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Author Topic: 40 meters early mornings in Europe  (Read 169507 times)
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poop cup

« Reply #100 on: July 24, 2011, 12:25:22 AM »

hello I am on 7.220 right now calling cq no takers lots of static crashes here in nwpa

                                                                                        Carl KB3RDT

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #101 on: July 24, 2011, 12:28:51 AM »

hello I am on 7.220 right now calling cq no takers lots of static crashes here in nwpa

                                                                                        Carl KB3RDT

We are now on 7170!
I hear F6AQK on New Yorks webreceiver (weak). Cheesy

And I listen on 7220 khz! Grin

Can you hear us.....?

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #102 on: July 24, 2011, 02:13:19 PM »

hello I am on 7.220 right now calling cq no takers lots of static crashes here in nwpa Carl KB3RDT

Hello AM Lovers, today almost the hole day rain in Holland!

We have seen the last Tour de France day on tv.
And this morning (early) I heard am on 40 mtrs.
On 7220 some noise, or static.... no stations heard!
At 06.00 Jean F6AQK calling on 7185, but freq. not clean.
So he moved to 7170 khz. and this freq. totaly clean/free!
- Jean F6AQK by me in Dokkum good signal, max. S6 - S9+5.
I could not receive PE1BIW, his qth maybe close to me....
- On webreceiver in Italia, I heard: F6AQK, PE1BIW and PE1MPH.
I used only 25 Watts in my end feeded longwire.
- On webreceiver in New York, I heard: F6AQK, but not all (most words).
While we were talking, I listen with another receiver to 7220.
But totaly nothing around that freq., on +/- 7115 a 'naked carrier'.
I have heard, around 7158, ssb from usa, but very weak signals. Grin

So that are the results for today (Sunday).
Next week I monitor again early mornings around 7220 khz.
If I hear AM, between 06.15 - 06.45 hour by me, I post it! Cheesy


PE1MPH / Henk
Dokkum / The Netherlands

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poop cup

« Reply #103 on: August 04, 2011, 12:32:55 AM »

Hello i am calling cq on 7.220 all i hear is ssb little static crashes but pretty clean tonight
« Reply #104 on: August 05, 2011, 08:48:38 PM »

Hi Carl,
OK on your 40M AM effort. I am not sure what is really going on. The 2 Fridays
that I transmitted, I received no reply from EU. I am running 300 watts to a 6dB
gain antenna directed to NE. You have not received any reply either.
In a past posting Henk, PE1MPH said he was runnig 25 watts? I don't think there
is much of a chance to hear him. Maybe in dead of winter but not now.
Tim, VE6PG, what are your thoughts?
Steve - K4HX
« Reply #105 on: August 05, 2011, 08:53:05 PM »

Anyone around tonight?

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« Reply #106 on: August 06, 2011, 08:23:49 AM »

..well john, i'm not hearing any stuff, aside from ssb, and cw..either from the vert, or loop...maybe we need fall/winter condx for this?..


...Yes, my name is Tim

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poop cup

« Reply #107 on: August 08, 2011, 12:37:27 AM »

hello i think last week with my rec on 7.220 12 am eastern time zone usa i hear is crap no good mode been being heard at my loc.

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #108 on: August 08, 2011, 02:41:38 AM »

Just back. Cheesy

We were for 1 week on vacation (camping middle Holland).
But I heard no stations on 7220 khz.
Maybe bad conditions?
But I keep my eye around 7220 khz...


PE1MPH / Henk
« Reply #109 on: August 08, 2011, 11:41:00 AM »

Hi Henk,
Good that you had a nice holiday. Please provide us with some information
about your AM operating conditions in Holland.

What is the maximum AM output power allowed in Holland and the rest of EU.
What power do you and the others usually run when calling the US?
What kinds of antennas are you and the others using for these Transatlantic
AM tests?
When does Holland and EU go back to standard time. i.e. GMT + 1 hour.
On what 40M frequencies can you transmit AM?

This information might help us get something started with Transatlantic AM.
John, AA5T


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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #110 on: August 08, 2011, 01:58:19 PM »

Hi Henk,
Good that you had a nice holiday. Please provide us with some information
about your AM operating conditions in Holland.
What is the maximum AM output power allowed in Holland and the rest of EU.
What power do you and the others usually run when calling the US?
What kinds of antennas are you and the others using for these Transatlantic
AM tests?
When does Holland and EU go back to standard time. i.e. GMT + 1 hour.
On what 40M frequencies can you transmit AM?
This information might help us get something started with Transatlantic AM.
John, AA5T

Hello AM Lover,
Sundaymornings (+/- 06.00 hour by us) often F6AQK calling on 40 mtrs in AM, mostly around 7185 khz.
But it is difficult to find a free/clean AM freq. to talk with the USA!
Therefore I listen often around 7220 khz, to know when we can hear AM from the USA.....

We are now some days at home, it is raining..... no camping weather!
But when the Sun is comming, we go again to the camping... Grin


pe1mph / Henk
Dokkum / The Netherlands


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poop cup

« Reply #111 on: August 11, 2011, 11:44:50 PM »

hello anyone going be on 7.220 12:00 or after i will be listening if i hear anyone i'll join! Grin

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #112 on: August 14, 2011, 06:32:39 AM »


Around 06.00 hour I listen to 40 mtrs.
On +/- 7220 khz I heard some USA stations, but in ssb mode.

But, AM Lovers, on 7185 I heard F6AQK calling!
His signal were weak to fair, but this freq. were clean.
A little after his 'cq in AM', I heard Fortunato 9H1ES on +/- 7185 khz.
I were falling nearly from my chair, such big signal!!!!
Jean had only S3 by me, but Fortunato got S9.

Therefore I 'run' Grin to my studio and tuning my Allbander on 7185.
And I tried to get a qso with both.... sorry for me Grin..... no contact!
I tried my end-feeded longwire and my dipole, but no reaction!
But a little later on 7185 I heard a strange noise.
It sounding like rtty.....
So for not possible to receive Jean and Fortunato anymore.
'Thats a pity', I thought....
Maybe thats the reason why both did not heard me???
I heard Jean mention he goes qsy to the French AM freq. (3550)....

Around 06.25 they were gone...
And I listen again around 7220, but still many ssb stations.

Thats all happening this morning,

pe1mph, Henk
Dokkum, The Netherlands

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #113 on: August 17, 2011, 12:27:40 AM »


A little past 06.10 hour this morning...
I heard a station in AM calling cq, cq on 7220 khz.
Weak to fair signal, but I heard CQ.
The freq. 7220 (and 7195) are clean / free! Cheesy

Just, +/- 06.25, I heard the man calling again.
But, sorry for him, no station returning for him....


pe1mph / Henk
Dokkum / The Netherlands
« Reply #114 on: August 17, 2011, 04:52:10 AM »

Hallo Henk, 0945 GMT and I guess you're already at work ...

We will have to stretch our schedules and find when to get on at the same time.

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #115 on: August 17, 2011, 01:46:23 PM »

Hallo Henk, 0945 GMT and I guess you're already at work ...

We will have to stretch our schedules and find when to get on at the same time.

Now I have hollidays.... Grin
And normaly I go +/- 06.50 CET to my work.
Thats 06.50 + 2 = 08.50 GMT time.

If you were this morning calling on 7220, I heard you. Cheesy
Totally free (alone) on this freq. and 7190 + 7195 were evenso free.
Lower then 7190 were ssb and b.c.-stations.


pe1mph / Henk
Dokkum / The Netherlands

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #116 on: August 19, 2011, 01:41:10 AM »

Heard this (19 aug.) morning,

Between +/- 06.05 - 06.25 on 7220 khz.
(06.05 - 06.25 CET, time by me)
Often I heard a station calling in AM mode: CQ, CQ 40 mtrs.
Signal were fair, with many fading.
Pity I had 'storm disturbance' on my receiver.
So for me not possible to copy the call correct.

And again 7220 khz were totaly free this morning, after 6 o'clock!
'Except' the noise from thunder. Grin


pe1mph / Henk
Dokkum / The Netherlands

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« Reply #117 on: August 19, 2011, 03:29:05 AM »

What is the maximum AM output power allowed in Holland and the rest of EU.

This information might help us get something started with Transatlantic AM.
John, AA5T

Hello John,

don't know about the rest of Europe, but the legal limit in Holland is 400 watt PEP.
So, for AM that would mean 100 watt carrier when modulating 100%...

Altough licensed  for 32 yrs now, I'm new to the AM scene.., but from my DX days I know most of the guys use dipoles or 2 element yagis on 40m.


Martin, PA4WM


« Reply #118 on: August 20, 2011, 10:46:01 AM »

Hi Martin,
Thanks for your reply to my posted message. 100 watts carrier should be OK.
Welcome to AM. You will find it to be a little more talk than the usual SSB contacts.
I don't know exactly where you are in Holland. I have been to Holland many times
working with Shell Research in The Hague.
Sunrise in Amsterdam is at 6:30 AM your time, so I suspect a contact would be before
that time. PE1MPH, Henk, has reported that 7220 is generally clear about that time.
6:30 in Holland is 23:30 CDT. (Central Daylight Time) 7 hours. There is a SSB net
on every evening, except Friday and Saturday. The net runs from 19:30 to 21:00
CDT. All those in the net, including myself run 1KW SSB. The moderator of the net is
K1GZL. Frequency used is usually between 7140 and 7150. Occasionally a DX station
will join in. You might listen for that group as a check on Transatlantic propagation
to your QTH. Some time between 21:00 and 23:30 CDT is the opening window.
I am usually free Friday evening, i.e. your Saturday morning. I can transmit 300 watts AM carrier on 7220.
If you would like to give it a try, let me know what is a convienient frequency for
you to transmit on. I will listen there and check that no Broadcast is on that
frequency. I would suggest your transmit frequency be below 7125.
Over a period of many years I operated with a DX group that maintained regular
40M SSB contacts with So. Africa. So 40M should be good for an AM contact.
John, AA5T

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #119 on: August 21, 2011, 05:37:23 AM »

Sunrise in Amsterdam is at 6:30 AM your time, so I suspect a contact would be before that time. PE1MPH, Henk, has reported that 7220 is generally clear about that time. 6:30 in Holland is 23:30 CDT. (Central Daylight Time) 7 hours.
The net runs from 19:30 to 21:00 CDT. The moderator of the net is K1GZL. Frequency used is usually between 7140 and 7150. You might listen for that group as a check on Transatlantic propagation to your QTH.
73, John, AA5T

John, thats correct about the time by us (and Sun!).
After 06.00 the freq. 7220 is clean/free in Holland.
I will try to receive that 'net', but it is not always on the same freq.?
So I must listen between 7140 - 7150 khz to find the 'net'.
Your idea is good, we (I) can try to receive....
But I listen evenso (mostly) every morning around 7220 khz. Grin
This morning I stayed longer in bed, I heard at night 'contesters'on 40. Cry


pe1mph / Henk

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #120 on: August 22, 2011, 02:35:02 AM »

PE1MPH, Henk, has reported that 7220 is generally clear about that time. There is a SSB net on every evening, except Friday and Saturday. Frequency used is usually between 7140 and 7150. Occasionally a DX station will join in. You might listen for that group as a check on Transatlantic propagation to your QTH.
73, John, AA5T

John I did...... Grin
This morning (by me) at +/- 06.20 I heard on +/- 7142 (ssb): K2DDK and K5HCT
K2 with weak signal, but K5 good to copy!
Only 'annoying' often a SP5-station calling on the same freq.
So not pretty listening for me.... (for nobody I think!). Cry
This morning again after 06.00 the 7220 were totaly free/clean...
A pity I heard nobody in AM on that freq....


Henk, pe1mph
Dokkum, The Netherlands

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« Reply #121 on: August 23, 2011, 12:57:57 AM »

Was calling CQ on 7220 from about 0300Z til 0430Z. CQ'ing every 5 to 7 minutes. Thought I heard an answer but when I qrz'ed no reply...    Chuck..

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #122 on: August 23, 2011, 02:18:14 AM »

Was calling CQ on 7220 from about 0300Z til 0430Z. CQ'ing every 5 to 7 minutes. Thought I heard an answer but when I qrz'ed no reply...    Chuck..

Hello Chuck!
This morning, 23 aug., I listen between 06.00 - 06.30 to 40 mtrs.
Just after 06.00 o'clock I hear CQ, CQ 40 mtrs on 7220 khz! Smiley
Signal were weak/fair S1/S3, but not possible for me to get call (complete).
Sorry, but to copy all audio... the signal were a little to weak....
Indeed I heard often this (you!) station speaking in AM mode this morning.
The freq. 7220 khz. were complete alone in use by this station....
A pity nobody give him a report or say 'Hello'.
Hopefull more stations want to use this AM freq.

Later in the morning the signal on 7220 khz. were 'nearly' not to hear.
So just after 06.00 hour I heard Chuck better, then +/- 06.25 hour.


pe1mph / Henk
Dokkum /  The Netherlands
« Reply #123 on: August 25, 2011, 10:49:26 AM »

Hi Henk,
I have been listening on 7180 to 7185. This from 03:00 GMT to 04:30 GMT.
It seems that 40M quiets down after 03:30 GMT. I suspect that since sunrise
in Holland is about 4:30 GMT you are having to much daylight for good
Transatlantic propagation at that time. Perhaps an hour earlier in the 03:00 to
03:30 GMT time frame. I could transmit on 7220 and listen around 7180 to 7185.
Note: There appears to be some net on 7186, so best to stay below there.
I would try this Friday 26 Aug. Saturday morning in EU.
Of course any AMer is welcome to join in.
Let me know your thoughts.
John, AA5T

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #124 on: August 25, 2011, 02:36:42 PM »

Hi Henk,
I have been listening on 7180 to 7185. This from 03:00 GMT to 04:30 GMT.
It seems that 40M quiets down after 03:30 GMT. I suspect that since sunrise
in Holland is about 4:30 GMT you are having to much daylight for good
Transatlantic propagation at that time. Perhaps an hour earlier in the 03:00 to 03:30 GMT time frame. I could transmit on 7220 and listen around 7180 to 7185.
Note: There appears to be some net on 7186, so best to stay below there.
I would try this Friday 26 Aug. Saturday morning in EU.
Of course any AMer is welcome to join in.
Let me know your thoughts.
John, AA5T

Hello AM Lover,
This morning (after 06.00 hour by me) I heard on +/- 7175 strange noise.
Sounding like RTTY, very strong, splattering many higher and lower.
On 7180 khz I heard a strong B.C. station, sounding Arabic?!
And on 7195 an Italian ssb station calling often cq....
But I am sure around 06.25 I heard a station calling cq, cq 40 mtrs.
Signal were weak to fair on 7220 khz, with a strong fading.
I did 'all I could' to copy the call... but very difficult.
Speak please slowly your call for us Europeans....
And again this station (you John?) were alone on this freq.
Totaly free and clean on this freq, with S1 to S3.
I mentioned before, on 7215 khz mostly a 'naked carrier'....
And again: 7220 - 7225 is complete free between 6 and 7 in Europe!!
So when you are earlier on 7220 I can not receive AM from the USA!

I would John there will be more stations on 7220 in AM!
Now you are alone 'speaking in the AM sky...'.

Oh yes, this I would say.... Grin
When I can hear the B.C. station on 1510 khz (MW) early mornings.
If conditions are good, I can receive some USA (AM) stations on MW.
And if I hear WWZN Boston, then mostly good conditions on mw and sw!
This morning I heard WWZN with 'many (Gospel) talk'.


pe1mph / Henk
Dokkum /  The Netherlands
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