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Author Topic: Hermes 14-bit SDR Xcvr available  (Read 32527 times)
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« Reply #25 on: July 22, 2022, 06:59:21 AM »

Hello Norm,

Yea I was beginning to wonder what was going on with the delay on the 14 bit card, reason I had asked on Apache's site.

I went a head and ordered the Pa board.  I felt as if I was giving my money away but the Pa board consist not only
the 10 watt pa and the transmit filters but it also gives the three antenna jacks as well as the SWR circuit.  It is all Plug
and Play as well!

Hopefully we will not have to wait much longer!



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« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2022, 06:40:33 PM »

Now the Apache Labs site is telling us that they will commence shipping of the 14-bit Hermes cards on October 5, beginning with the first orders from back in  February and working through the list.  It's been a long wait....  Supposedly some of their upscale rigs will be pushed out soon as well.
73 de Norm W1ITT

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« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2022, 07:46:38 PM »

Hello Norm,

Thank you for the update.   I have been only listening here and there on the bands.  Kind
of lost some excitement in radio lately.  First time over 25 years, go figure!

Hoping to peak my interest again, I have been thinking of building a legal  pwr AM rig as I have been gathering a lot of iron.   If the 14 bit and the 10 watt board really comes in this will help too!

Again thanks for the update.

73 Ken


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« Reply #28 on: October 31, 2022, 10:41:28 PM »

Okay another update on the 10E.

This is what was said on the Apache's website in the community forum section under the 10E.

You will start receiving your shipping quotes mid week, we expect to ship out the first lot commencing this week.

First production lot is of a 100 units, the second lot will ship in 3 weeks and should cover all remaining pre-orders.

We again apologize for the inordinate delay, but our industry has been facing a perfect supply chain storm!

Thank you for your patience.

So fingers, toes,  coax jumpers and all those shorted wires cross in hopes the 10E's will get shipped!


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« Reply #29 on: November 01, 2022, 07:50:22 AM »

Hi Ken and all..
I bought and paid for mine on the first day of open ordering back in February.  Theoretically, I should be among the first to get my shipping quote, but I'm still waiting for that email to float in.  I'll let you know when I have a tracking number.
It was stated at the outset that ApacheLabs was building the 250 14-bit boards "at cost".  I suspect that the 14-bit boards have been a lower priority than the products that are intended to make a profit.   Along the way they have run into the usual product availability snags.  At one point, they were lacking a $4.50 ethernet transceiver IC.  After some searching I found an outfit in Hong Kong that claimed to have over 1100 of them at a decent price and I forwarded that info to ApacheLabs.  There was no response from them but, as we are finding out, they are not much on communication.  Apache and the Anan series are wonderful toys but I think I'd be  reluctant to try to do business with them again.  I still have a full set of the TAPR Mercury-Penelope-Atlas that I will probably get going again. 
In the meantime, I'm cautiously waiting.
73 de Norm W1ITT

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« Reply #30 on: November 01, 2022, 06:33:25 PM »

Hello Norm,

Well I was able to get a reply back from Tony before this latest announcement.

After given my reference number I was told I would be in the second batch.  I was told 3 to 4 weeks.   As of now it's been about 4 weeks.  Now the talk is the next batch will be 3 weeks from when they send out the first.

Well it's easy to get frustrated by now with this order.   I think by hanging in there we will appreciate the new board even more when we finally get it,  I like to think we will!   As always time will tell...


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« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2022, 12:22:56 PM »

I know of people whom have paid a couple thousand dollar deposits for Apache radios.

Nothing.  Crickets.

Hard to say a radio is a good investment when they just hold your money and ignore you.


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« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2022, 08:40:29 AM »

This whole mess is really starting to feel like the one and only Indigogo campaign I participated in.. Took over a year to get the product.. And it was less then sub standard when it finally arrived..
Let’s just hope that the components they sourced are of quality manufacture..

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« Reply #33 on: November 15, 2022, 02:04:30 PM »

At long last, yesterday I received and payed my shipping invoice and this morning I got an email from DHL with tracking information.  They say the Hermes will arrive at my place on 22 November.  I placed my order on the first day the offer was posted so presumably I'm in that first flight of 100 units (number 3464).   Last February this was to have been a three week wait but this is what the new world has brought upon us. I'll be running mine with a RaspberryPi 4B and a solid state RF amplifier board  from a defunct Kenmore transceiver.
The good news is that this is not vaporware and floobie dust.  Be of stout heart and good cheer.  Things are in motion....finally !
73 de Norm W1ITT

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« Reply #34 on: November 15, 2022, 10:25:50 PM »

Hello Norm,  that's great news.  I am happy for you, it's been a long time coming that is for sure.

I will be in the second round so fingers are still crossed!

Please let us know when you actually receive it okay?

I would like to put together a ldmos board of sorts, something at least 1200 watts or 300 watts of carrier anyway.   Have it all installed in one box.

Again I am happy to hear your good news!


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« Reply #35 on: November 19, 2022, 05:15:25 PM »

Hello Francis (WA1GFZ)

Don't know if you are aware that you have me blocked on replying
to your message.
I have been trying to reply to your message that you had
Sent, but you have me blocked.


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« Reply #36 on: November 19, 2022, 05:58:51 PM »

Ken and all..
For entertainment purposes, I checked DHL tracking and I see that my Hermes left Bahrain this morning, not sure for where, but presumably westerly.  They are still saying it'll be in Maine on Tuesday.    This is a far cry from when we had local ham radio stores.  As a kid, I thought Evans Radio in Concord NH was a wondrous place.
73 de Norm W1ITT

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« Reply #37 on: November 19, 2022, 08:07:18 PM »

Hello Norm,

Yea its sad how many Ham Radio Stores have gone belly up.

There were some good ones too.

The link link below will bring up the Map where you mentioned Bahrain.  Looks like its south of Kuwait, an island it looks like.

Be sure to Zoom Way Out!!!

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« Reply #38 on: November 20, 2022, 07:45:19 AM »

Hello Francis (WA1GFZ)

Don't know if you are aware that you have me blocked on replying
to your message.
I have been trying to reply to your message that you had
Sent, but you have me blocked.


You aren't the only one.  I've had that issue for a couple years with replying to him.

He is active on facebutt, if you have it.


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« Reply #39 on: November 25, 2022, 12:28:38 PM »

Finally, my 14-bit Hermes arrived here in Maine.  It started out via DHL from Gurugram, a ways down the road from New Delhi, hence to Bahrain, and on to Leipzig, and to Cincinnati and then to Boston.  DHL got tired of it in Boston and gave it over to the USPS which brought it to me today, Friday.  For those who have ordered, be advised that there are no connectors that you can wire up to bring in power etc.  It'll take some chasing around in the Mouser catalog to get them.  But Mouser is pretty darn quick so I'm not worried.
73 de Norm W1ITT

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« Reply #40 on: November 27, 2022, 06:18:58 AM »

Hello Francis (WA1GFZ)

Don't know if you are aware that you have me blocked on replying
to your message.
I have been trying to reply to your message that you had
Sent, but you have me blocked.


You aren't the only one.  I've had that issue for a couple years with replying to him.

He is active on facebutt, if you have it.


Hello Shane,

Francis had gotten back to me, he said he doesn't know why he is blocked or why we are blocked trying to get back to him.


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« Reply #41 on: November 27, 2022, 06:48:50 AM »

Finally, my 14-bit Hermes arrived here in Maine.  It started out via DHL from Gurugram, a ways down the road from New Delhi, hence to Bahrain, and on to Leipzig, and to Cincinnati and then to Boston.  DHL got tired of it in Boston and gave it over to the USPS which brought it to me today, Friday.  For those who have ordered, be advised that there are no connectors that you can wire up to bring in power etc.  It'll take some chasing around in the Mouser catalog to get them.  But Mouser is pretty darn quick so I'm not worried.
73 de Norm W1ITT

That's great Norm, well actually that's awesome!  When I first read your post my thoughts were Wow!...I still can't believe the wait was this long.

Thanks for giving us heads up on the voltage input connections.  Will you be using the Power Poles?  On my Anan 100 I had issues with the connections
that Apaches Labs originally used.  I didn't go with the Power Poles, I just wired it directly.  I suppose having the options of disconnecting at the radio is more convenience,
but its never been an issue so far.

By the way, although I ordered the 10 watt board from Apache Labs, I decided to order that other 10 watt board that you had posted about.  A friend of mine had bought a used a 10E and it seem to have issues with
the on-board 10 watt unit.  So I decide to make the purchase on my behalf to see how this amp that you had mention will work.  <<< (Just for Shins and Grins, learning purpose and for future references)

Well again I am glad you finally received your Anan.  Maybe you can report back with your ideas on your build and any experiences you may or may not encounter, and any pics as well!

73 for now...Ken

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« Reply #42 on: November 28, 2022, 07:50:00 PM »

Hello Francis (WA1GFZ)

Don't know if you are aware that you have me blocked on replying
to your message.
I have been trying to reply to your message that you had
Sent, but you have me blocked.


You aren't the only one.  I've had that issue for a couple years with replying to him.

He is active on facebutt, if you have it.


Hello Shane,

Francis had gotten back to me, he said he doesn't know why he is blocked or why we are blocked trying to get back to him.

Yeah, it's a mystery.

We talked about it a couple times on Facebook and he told me the same thing.  Odd.


I just picked up a Kenwood TS440 amplifier and low pass filter board.  I have the 5 watt Hermes Lite.  This ought to make an excellent amplifier chain for it.

For the price of 120 dollars for both board and the entire rear end of the TS440, shipped to me in the island, I couldn't pass that up.


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« Reply #43 on: November 29, 2022, 06:22:13 PM »

Hello Shane,

That should work out just fine.  

I actually created a 2 meter 50 watt amplifier from a 150 mhz mobile transceiver that was destroyed from water
but the rf section was still usable. (Used for a HT) I had help from a friend way back when who taught me how to use a single diode for a 1/4 wave rectifier along with a small coil for the keying circuit.
It worked like a charm.  I built this for another friend who had held onto it for like 20 years and just a couple of months ago he had sent it to me.  I will keep until I am no longer around!!!

When you get around building it, bring it here for show and tell !


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« Reply #44 on: November 30, 2022, 08:07:38 PM »

Will do, for sure.

There is a cool story on eham right now about a repeater put in place in Los Angeles in the 50s, iirc.

It's still in use, now over in Colorado!  Same equipment.

I need to pull my Hermes back out and use it.  But need a tuner first.  Can't pull the trigger when I have so many back in the states.



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« Reply #45 on: December 01, 2022, 10:10:28 AM »

Received my Hermis board about a week ago. So far so good. Thing that didn’t make sense is that I also ordered the pa board. It didn’t arrive with the Hermis. So I emailed Apache labs. Two days later I get a tracking number.. looks like someone dropped the ball but at least they made it right.

Now I’m building the new Hermis board into a cabinet. What’s everyone’s experience with trying to run a Hermis using a raspberry pi4?

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« Reply #46 on: December 02, 2022, 08:08:22 AM »

Hello All,

I had come across a Ham on QRZ some time ago with the call AC2IQ.  Maybe he comes on here I don't know?  Recently I was listening on 75M and someone mentioned this Ham's call sign. 
So to refresh my memory I looked him up again.  I am glad I did as I had forgotten some of the projects he had taken on.  One being installing an Anan SDR board into a metal box.
Please have a look at the link below, I believe you will find it interested.

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Making AM GREAT Again!

« Reply #47 on: December 02, 2022, 08:12:47 PM »

Hello All,

I had come across a Ham on QRZ some time ago with the call AC2IQ.  Maybe he comes on here I don't know?  Recently I was listening on 75M and someone mentioned this Ham's call sign. 
So to refresh my memory I looked him up again.  I am glad I did as I had forgotten some of the projects he had taken on.  One being installing an Anan SDR board into a metal box.
Please have a look at the link below, I believe you will find it interested.


Oh, if people only knew who Dave was... 


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« Reply #48 on: March 10, 2023, 11:35:21 AM »


Just wanted to post that I had finally received my 14 bit 10e sdr transceiver card
along with the 10 watt pa card on March 8th.

So perhaps this will bring some hope to others who are still waiting for their orders.

There has been a lot of electronic part issues within other companies as well so...?



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« Reply #49 on: April 11, 2023, 10:36:57 AM »

This might be slightly off subject, but I have become interested in Adaptive Predistortion as away to clean up my 3rd order IMD on. Big linear amplifier I am building.
I have a FLEX-5000A and I have read that there are guys that run “Pure Audio”, which I am assuming is related to predistortion feedback.
I realize that one needs a good in line coupler to provide the feedback signal, but how that interfaces to a rig, I do not understand
ANAN rigs are always mentioned in conjunction with this technique and Open HDsdr.
First question: Is it pissible to interface with a FLEX5000a or are those rumors spurious?
Second question: If I gave up on the FLEX5K for Predistortion, will the Hermes14 work in this kind of system with Thetus?? Or whatever?
I know that the Hermes just puts out 500mW max, so amultistage linear will be required, but if the predistortion function is there, the IMD of those linears are less important.
Any help or information is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
73, Mike
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