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Author Topic: What Happened To Da Bacon?  (Read 184075 times)
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Steve - K4HX

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« Reply #75 on: January 20, 2014, 06:17:18 PM »

What ever it is, you're doing it brother. Keep doing it!
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« Reply #76 on: January 20, 2014, 07:50:37 PM »

Damn Frank, you remind me of my Dad! (it's a gooder thing)

A few days before he died, last Christmas, being in and out of consciousness, he asked me with all clarity, "Buddy how long does it take to die?" Jeeeez...... how do you answer that one? I told him a blink of an eye or a life time.
He looked at me and said, "I've had the lifetime. It was a good one. You're proof of that. Now, let's have that blink."
Stared ol' Reaper in the eye and said "bring it"!!!!!! He was 83 and had fought the cancer for 15 years!

Courage comes in many ways. In you I see the same. Fight like hell Pal. Yes, Dad died. But his 15 year fight had more good fun times than not because that's the way he wanted it. You and I are the same age and I know from chatting with you there's lots of fight, lots of good time ahead. I'm blessed beyond measure being among those you call friend.

ps....... the back is healing good. The screws are holding well. My wife's new knee works great but they forgot the zerk fitting!

WTF-OVER in 7 land Dennis
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« Reply #77 on: January 20, 2014, 07:54:20 PM »

Them grease things are Zerks, not zerts.  After the guy that came up with them.


Just pacing the Farady cage...
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« Reply #78 on: January 20, 2014, 07:56:55 PM »

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« Reply #79 on: January 20, 2014, 08:43:18 PM »

You're a tough dude. You'll make it. Surviving 480V (which I term a "closed casket" funeral if you don't), is a miracle in itself.

Pulling for you man.

Philip KA4KOE

I'm outta control, plain and simple. Now I have a broadcast transmitter.
The Slab Bacon

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« Reply #80 on: January 20, 2014, 11:22:54 PM »

ps....... the back is healing good. The screws are holding well. My wife's new knee works great but they forgot the zerk fitting!

Hmmmmm..... just drill and tap, the small ones are 1/4-28 thread.......  Grin  Grin

You're a tough dude. You'll make it. Surviving 480V (which I term a "closed casket" funeral if you don't), is a miracle in itself.
Pulling for you man.
Philip KA4KOE

Hell, the 480 wasn't all that bad, neither was the fall off of the ladder. But........
That sudden stop at the end was a real @#$%&*@#$% ! !   Shocked   Grin

The grim reaper may always be waiting around the corner, he might get me but he will never get my dry, twisted sense of humor! (Or my big heart)


"No is not an answer and failure is not an option!"
The Slab Bacon

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« Reply #81 on: January 20, 2014, 11:53:23 PM »

Call it morals, call it descency, I just dunno! ! ! ! !

The other day I was at Hopkins waiting in line (a long one) at their Outpatient Center to have some bloodwork done. This woman came up in a wheelchair, and was having a really hard time navigating / dealing with the wheelchair. (She was really struggling with it.) Apparently someone just brought her there and left her there. She was having such a hard time with that wheelchair and I felt really bad for her. After standing in line for a long time, I just stepped out and gave up my place in line to push her to where she had to go.

When I came back the others that were waiting in line were amazed that I would get out of line to help someone else (a total stranger). A few of them made comments about it. I told them, How would you feel if that was you and no one helped you when you needed it? ? ? I didn't have to think twice, I did it somewhat automatically.

Begrudgingly they let me back into the place where I was in line. Several were impressed, and several were pissed. (majority ruled here)

I haven't forgotten this, and it sticks in my mind. Why wouldn't someone help out someone that really needs it? ? Has this world become that much of a "ME" society? ?  Kinda just makes you wonder.........


"No is not an answer and failure is not an option!"
flintstone mop
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« Reply #82 on: January 21, 2014, 06:33:07 AM »

Call it morals, call it descency, I just dunno! ! ! ! !

The other day I was at Hopkins waiting in line (a long one) at their Outpatient Center to have some bloodwork done. This woman came up in a wheelchair, and was having a really hard time navigating / dealing with the wheelchair. (She was really struggling with it.) Apparently someone just brought her there and left her there. She was having such a hard time with that wheelchair and I felt really bad for her. After standing in line for a long time, I just stepped out and gave up my place in line to push her to where she had to go.

When I came back the others that were waiting in line were amazed that I would get out of line to help someone else (a total stranger). A few of them made comments about it. I told them, How would you feel if that was you and no one helped you when you needed it? ? ? I didn't have to think twice, I did it somewhat automatically.

Begrudgingly they let me back into the place where I was in line. Several were impressed, and several were pissed. (majority ruled here)

I haven't forgotten this, and it sticks in my mind. Why wouldn't someone help out someone that really needs it? ? Has this world become that much of a "ME" society? ?  Kinda just makes you wonder.........


you did a good thing. And that's what is lacking in our society today. YES.the world has come to ME and ME alone.


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« Reply #83 on: January 21, 2014, 07:11:44 AM »

Frank - Your courage is an inspiration. When I start to P & M about my medical issues, I consider how minor they are compared to your battle. You've made it much easier for me to "man-up" on several occasions. Keep swingin Frank!
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Rick & "Roosevelt"

« Reply #84 on: January 21, 2014, 09:02:38 AM »

Frank, you are simply my standard candle. God Bless you and Carol.

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« Reply #85 on: January 21, 2014, 11:02:08 AM »

Hmmmmm..... just drill and tap, the small ones are 1/4-28 thread.......  Grin  Grin


* Spine_side 2.png (161.86 KB, 713x330 - viewed 557 times.)
The Slab Bacon

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« Reply #86 on: January 21, 2014, 11:09:20 AM »

Hmmmmm..... just drill and tap, the small ones are 1/4-28 thread.......  Grin  Grin

Buddly, I was referring to the lack of grease fitting for your wife's knee.......

But that pix of your back makes me cringe! It just looks like it hurts! ! ! !
Get well, bro, (and stay the hell away from metal detectors........)

"No is not an answer and failure is not an option!"

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« Reply #87 on: January 21, 2014, 11:57:40 AM »

Hmmmmm..... just drill and tap, the small ones are 1/4-28 thread.......  Grin  Grin


OUCHIE!  That thing really works, right?

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"Let's go kayaking, Tommy!" - Yaz

« Reply #88 on: January 21, 2014, 12:17:48 PM »

Yikes, Buddly!

That looks like something out of a Civil War doctor training photo...  Wink

Speaking of football... considering the recent concussion awareness and the many athletes (like yourself) who are suffering the after-effects from years of being hit - I wonder if the sport will still be around 50 years from now?  

Maybe players will be required to run around in protective bubbles?



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There's nothing like an old dog.
Steve - K4HX

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« Reply #89 on: January 21, 2014, 02:25:14 PM »

I played organized tackle football for six years (full helmets and pads). I lettered four years in high school. I also played a lot of sandlot tackle football with no pads or helmets. Never had an injury. But I blew out two knees and busted an ankle playing pick up basketball. There are no safe sports. Much of what is on the "news" regarding football is hype and out right falsehoods. The NFL is making way too much money to go away, even if all the "news" stories were true.
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« Reply #90 on: January 21, 2014, 03:24:37 PM »

Same here Steve plus 4 years semi-pro. Bottom line is we all know what we're getting into when we strap on the pads. We knew concussions could be bad news and I've had my share. The game will change with all this nanny state crap but it'll be around quite a while. Too much money involved as Steve said.

Tom, you are right but I call it Medieval! Still, I feel a whole lot better than I did.
Steve - K4HX

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« Reply #91 on: January 21, 2014, 05:49:06 PM »

I have two screws in one of my knees. They could be taken out with relatively minor surgery since their job is done. Screw that!   Smiley
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« Reply #92 on: January 21, 2014, 08:25:47 PM »

Hmmmmm..... just drill and tap, the small ones are 1/4-28 thread.......  Grin  Grin

Buddly, I was referring to the lack of grease fitting for your wife's knee.......

But that pix of your back makes me cringe! It just looks like it hurts! ! ! !
Get well, bro, (and stay the hell away from metal detectors........)

Metal detectors are A-OK but an MRI could be a major league PITA!

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« Reply #93 on: January 21, 2014, 08:42:53 PM »


And  have 4 'nails'  in my leg from an accident in '08. 

I was told the same thing,  that they could be removed easily.   Then my surgeon pulled me aside and said if they aren't bothering you,  don't risk another surgery.

The pin bothers me in the cold,  but not enough to risk the knife again :-)

Mine is from a double tib fib compound fracture (4 breaks total) on my calf.   Jumped off a motorcycle.   At 130 mph.

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"Let's go kayaking, Tommy!" - Yaz

« Reply #94 on: January 21, 2014, 09:04:50 PM »

Speaking of surgery,  it amazes me how lightly some guys on skateboards and extreme snowboarding value their safety.  (and doing flips off roofs)

One bad fall and we're in agony - pain for the next few weeks and hobbling around for months. Breaking bones is definitely an extreme sport... Wink

* For fun think I'll go luging down the street tonight in the blizzard, just missing the snow trucks,  caw mawn.


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Wise Words : "I'm as old as I've ever been... and I'm as young as I'll ever be."

There's nothing like an old dog.
Steve - K4HX

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« Reply #95 on: January 22, 2014, 12:14:13 AM »

Wow! At that speed, it is amazing that you are still here. Keep the metal. Who knows, it might be valuable some day!
Todd, KA1KAQ

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« Reply #96 on: January 22, 2014, 10:54:22 AM »

You guys make me feel better.  Smiley Knees are shot, 2 fused vertebrae in my neck, etc etc. Yet I know I'm not bad off, not even close.

Slab, there's a John Wayne quote that says something like 'Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway'. I doubt there's anyone out there who doesn't get frightened when confronted with a threatening situation. The difference is in how you deal with it: face up and give it your best shot, or curl up in a ball, close your eyes, and hope it goes away.

By your own description, you meet the John Wayne definition. And clearly your choice to stand and fight is producing the desired result.

BTW, until recently I was still getting email from Mack. No doubt, you were too. I remember chuckling the first time it arrived after he passed, thinking 'beyond the grave, that's some trick'. Obviously someone hacked his old aol account, but it sure got my attention!

known as The Voice of Vermont in a previous life

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« Reply #97 on: January 22, 2014, 02:08:28 PM »

Slab, yer a gudun but be careful, only the good die young. My 2013 was a whole year where every day was Friday the 13th, but I'm not going to slide down below the 75M AM window and P&M about it. What I will say is 2014 looks promising, for once the light at the end of the tunnel isn't a train, things are looking up for you too.

One other thing I'll say, that lady in a wheelchair proves what I've seen too, these days it's hooray for me and to hell with you. It's good to know there are a few good folks like you still out there when one needs a friend you're there lending a hand. Just make sure they give it back, someday you'll need it.

73 de Warren KB2VXA
Station powered by atomic energy, operator powered by natural gas.
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« Reply #98 on: January 24, 2014, 06:45:23 PM »

Call it morals, call it descency, I just dunno! ! ! ! !

The other day I was at Hopkins waiting in line (a long one) at their Outpatient Center to have some bloodwork done. This woman came up in a wheelchair, and was having a really hard time navigating / dealing with the wheelchair. (She was really struggling with it.) Apparently someone just brought her there and left her there. She was having such a hard time with that wheelchair and I felt really bad for her. After standing in line for a long time, I just stepped out and gave up my place in line to push her to where she had to go.

When I came back the others that were waiting in line were amazed that I would get out of line to help someone else (a total stranger). A few of them made comments about it. I told them, How would you feel if that was you and no one helped you when you needed it? ? ? I didn't have to think twice, I did it somewhat automatically.

Begrudgingly they let me back into the place where I was in line. Several were impressed, and several were pissed. (majority ruled here)

I haven't forgotten this, and it sticks in my mind. Why wouldn't someone help out someone that really needs it? ? Has this world become that much of a "ME" society? ?  Kinda just makes you wonder.........


That's just you my brother as long as I've known ya ! Fight the good fight never give up and go down swingin'. BTW you guys ever do the WFD net anymore ? Inquiring minds would like to know.

Humus humilibis inflectan  arroganibus Smiley
The Slab Bacon

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« Reply #99 on: January 26, 2014, 02:06:17 AM »

Got round 2 on thursday.........

The nausea has finally subsided. (Thanks to some good meds) and I have actually eaten fairly sell (considering) today. This was the first food since wednesday night. I almost feel human today, have actually felt myself improving as the day has worn on.

But that fatigue......... I feel totally piss-beat and spent! Hopefully, since this was a smaller tumor they were "targeting" they may have used a little less chemo juice and hopefully, I'll be able shake it off more quickly. (Sounds good, anyway).

This time I had a fair amount of nausea, where the first time I didn't. But the first time I had severe bloating and this time I don't. When I met with the Interventional Radiologist last week, he told me that all of the side effects I had experienced with the first round were "textbook". He told me that this time because they were "targeting" a different part of the liver, closer to the esophagus, the side effects would be "different". Seems like they got this shit down to a science!

I won't know the results until I get the follow up MRI and consultation in around 3-4 weeks. It takes that stuff a little while to do it's thing. Meanwhile the suspense is killing me............

Again, many, many thanks to all for your support through these tough times! ! !
I can't say it enough!

I'm piss-beat and headed back to bed...


"No is not an answer and failure is not an option!"
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