Announcing the 2011
Amplitude Modulation Transmitter Rally
Contest and Operating Event
On the HF Amateur Bands (160meters to 10 meters)
Date:Saturday, February 5th 6:00AM EST to
Sunday, February 6th 11:00PM PST (2:00 AM EST Monday, 2/7)
Sponsored by:AMFONE.Net ( definitive source for everything related to AM.
Radio Engineering Associates ( Equipment and services for the professional and radio amateur.

The purpose of this event is to encourage the use of Amplitude Modulation on theAmateur Radio Bands, and to highlight various types of AM equipment in usetoday. This event is open to any and all radio amateurs who are running full carrier amplitude modulation (standard AM), and any type of equipment may be used.
Commonly used AM Frequencies: 160 Meters:1880-1885, 1930, 1945, 1975-1995.
80 Meters: 3730-3740, 3870-3885.
40 Meters: 7160,7280-7295.
20 Meters: 14286.
15 Meters: 21425
10 Meters: 29000-29200.
These commonly used frequencies can be good starting points. As activity grows, expand to other frequencies to prevent congestion and excessively large round tables. As always,
PLEASE be considerate of existing QSOs and Nets, and ensure that the frequency is clear before calling "CQ, the A.M. Transmitter Rally".
Points are to be awarded as follows: a) 1 point for each station worked a specific band. If you work the same station on more than one band, you get 1 point for each band.
b) 1 point for each state, country or Canadian Province worked.
Note: Both you and the station with whom you are QSOing must be using AM.
Logging: Note, the log format has changed since last year's event! We also have free logging software (see below).The following information must be included in your log for each contact to be counted:
Time (local), Frequency, Call Sign, First Name, Their Location (city, state, country), Their Equipment.
Log Format: Each item should appear in a separate column, and in the column order shown below:
Logging Notes:The CAT: line is the station category (a-g), and should be included in thefirst column (somewhere) if the station is to be entered in a particular category. Example: CAT:A (see list of categories, below)
Logging States and Countries: The "State/Province" log column must contain the
2 letter state or Canadian province code unless the country is not Canada or the US. In these instances, the
2 letter country code must be entered in the "Country" column. We use software that reads the logs, and will look for 2 letter state and country codes, and add them into your score.
Free, simple logging software: We have created a free, simple to use logging program to facilitate logging for the A.M.T.R. and, if you wish, it will automatically upload your log to our logging server. This program will be available for free download 7 days before the event.
See Using Excel for logging: Template logs are here:
Any program that can generate a comma separated values file in the order shown in the logging example may be used.
Also Please let us know about anything outstanding, unusual or unique you hear.
A description of your station equipment, power and any other interesting features should also be included as part of your submission along with your mailing and email addresses. Pictures may also be emailed to us. If at all possible, please use electronic submission of logs using our Logging program, Excel or CSV(comma separated values) formats.
Email Excel or CSV logs to: If you do not own, or cannot use a computer, paper logs may be mailed to:
Radio Engineering Associates
79 Tyler Road
Townsend, MA 01469
Recognition will be givenfor the following areas: 1) Overall highest points:1st,2nd and 3rd place (all scores will be published)
2) Highest points in each ofthe following categories for stations as follows (all scores will be published):
a) Using a classic commercial AM Amateur transmitter(KW1, Desk KW, Collins 32V3, DX-100, etc.)
b) Using a converted AM Broadcast Transmitter.
c) Using a military transmitter.
d) Using a home built vacuum tube transmitter (vacuumtubes in the RF amplifier and modulator).
e) Using a home built solid state transmitter.
f) Using a low level transmitter and linear amplifier.
g) Using anything not covered by the above.
Note: Recognition will be given to stations that show up in many other folks' logs, even if these operators did not send in a log themselves. This is to emphasize the spirit and importance of operating during the event, even if one is not actively participating in the "contest".
In addition to points, recognitions will be made on an ad-hoc basis, depending on the specific situation.
Examples of these are: a) Unusually good operating practices, facilitating contacts, etc.
b) Very unusual or unique equipment
c) Most clip leads in thet ransmitter
d) Most hum or incidental FM
e) Longest transmission heard
f) Highest weight to powerratio
Etc, etc, etc.