Thanks for all info!Ofcourse I tried to hear (the same) audio by a Usa / Canada webreceiver.
But first I need to find one close to the station who is on air....
Yes I hear often some stations in ssb on 160 from the Usa.
And never I have heard a station in AM, but I think....
It must be possible!!
Every morning when I am monitoring 80 meters, 160 and mediumwave....
Is for me a BIG surprice!
For example..... this morning I thougt all AM-stations are early in bed.... hi, hi....
I heard totaly nothing from the Usa, evenso no BC stations....
And then around 06:20 hours (by me!) I heard a
N3 station calling on +/- 3885 khz.
He heard him saying a few times: cq.
I heard him fair to good, but he did mention his complete call to fast for me....

Thats the only station I heard this morning!
So this morning NO BC stations on mw from the Usa / Canada and nothing on 160 meters.
I think....

When I receive on my radio BC stations, from Usa / Canada, on mw with a good signal....
The conditions must be good evenso for 160 meters....
Perhaps mediumwave and 160 conditions are not going together?
I guess 1880 and 1885 are the most in use AM freq.?
And it can be handy if I had a AM station who has an App.
So I can sent to him info, when I hear a station...
I mean, I post my info on this forum or I sent it to some AM stations by email.
Hi, hi... but that is later, mostly after my work... (you understand me?)
Oke thanks for reading, I keep my 'ears and eyes' to the bands.
From Dokkum