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Author Topic: It sure seems open...  (Read 26334 times)
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« on: October 06, 2022, 04:32:53 PM »

Hi All..I normally have been doing my reporting of activity in the 15mtr section..however today I decided to "spin" the aluminum and check out 29mhz..heard and worked WA5TGK Tim in Allen TX..big signal with slow times he was well over S9+10..a real 5/9 signal but what was surprising was hearing Gary WA6MEM in CA above S9 at times..unlike others such as W0TDH who report many Europa contacts by e-mail to me..I really have not heard much in that direction 70 to 90 deg east..but today was an eye-opener once I swung the beam westward.....BTW this all happened less than a half hour ago....gud luk Guys & Gals !!
                                                 73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"

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« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2022, 07:36:00 PM »

29 mhz AM has been active out WEST..(I heard you working Texas) and I have reports of 10 AM to Europe from other westsiders..

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« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2022, 07:38:16 PM »

I worked W0TDH and W4OP at 2100z on 10 AM my morning.  32V3 to a 3 el steppir so the band is OPEN!

Doug Morgan  KH6U

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« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2022, 09:12:02 AM »

Finally the new Italy USA window for QSO in AM has opened, my 1st QSO with Lukasz KB1ZBA on September 20th, to date there are 27 QSOs, and the 1st QSO 2xQRP obviously with the presence of QSB S.2-5, I honestly did not expect all these opportunities, but if this is, let's get ready for the future, in the meantime I will prepare the space for my lucbox, greetings Franco I5KAP

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« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2022, 09:17:01 AM »

[Finally the new Italy USA window for QSO in AM has opened, my 1st QSO with Lukasz KB1ZBA on September 20th, to date there are 27 QSOs, and the 1st QSO 2xQRP obviously with the presence of QSB S.2-5, I honestly did not expect all these opportunities, but if this is, let's get ready for the future, in the meantime I will prepare the space for my lucbox, greetings Franco I5KAP

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« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2022, 09:57:28 AM »

Just worked Franco (about 10 AM EST) on 29.020 AM with 25W from my IC756 and a dipole. We were both 5-7 to 5-8 and 5-9 with a little QSB. Fantastic conditions!

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« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2022, 01:43:17 PM »

GFH I also worked Franco (29.020)but that was an hour ago..he was on SSB me on AM..not sure why he didn't switch over..anyhoo same signal reports as urself..also worked ZB2GI Kev on AM a bit further up the band 29.060..then went to 15mtrs and worked him again..yes fantastic prop and it's about time...73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"

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« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2022, 04:30:20 PM »

For the first time in many years, I just worked multiple West Coast AM stations on 10AM.

Conditions are not great, but those with beam antennas are coming in good.

I only have an 80-10m OCF Inverted V, so I could do much better with just a 10m dipole.


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« Reply #8 on: October 13, 2022, 03:58:13 PM »

Happy Nearfest Friday..for those still reluctant to jump into the 10mtr pond..let me just say ur missing it..yes agreed meself being right on the Atlantic coast it is easier to "launch" a signal across the pond..on my end I finished one page complete in an ARRL logbook for 6 days all 29mhz AM contacts except one lone 15mtr one.."who was it ?"..well the usual..F/DL/G/MW/CT/I/HA/ON/PA....
and a rare ZB & HZ & A6 to add to the pot..
I did hear from Rick VE6CQ via e-mail that it's still not happening in VE6 land but as soon as it does he's gonna be there..
You are missing times IMHO is between 1300 to 1800 utc with 1600 UTC prime time..73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"

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« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2022, 01:51:32 PM »

Hi between Nearfest this past weekend and chores..I have been at least listening..still from my part of the world lots of had a short but nice QSO with John G3YPZ..sigs were a bit down overall and I was thinking that on a scale of 1 to 10 today wud be a 5 in my book..then along comes Marcos CT1EHI (who is still there) on 29.020 with a whopping signal at 15 to 25 over S9..WOW ! methinks it is for sure very much open....73 de DAVE WB1EAD
                           BTW I shoulda mentioned this in the 15mtr section..heard Henk PE1MPH for about 15 secs b/4 he completely disappeared..he wudda done better on 10mtrs I'm willing to bet.....

AMer livin in "Moose Country"
Pete, WA2CWA

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« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2022, 06:55:36 PM »

Still quiet from the Far East on phone. Europe to Northeast coast generally is single hop Sporadic E and common.  Central U.S. and beyond  is multi hop stuff and a lot harder.
Seems everyone is either pounding brass and using the diddle mode.
Here's two 10 meter activity screen captures at roughly 6:45 PM EDT today.

I guess a lot of stations don't own microphones anymore or forgot how to use them  Grin

* 2022_oct19_6_45EDT_10Mphone.jpg (141 KB, 1154x849 - viewed 300 times.)

* 2022_oct19_6_45EDT_10Mcw_dig.jpg (183.46 KB, 1145x854 - viewed 322 times.)

Pete, WA2CWA - "A Cluttered Desk is a Sign of Genius"

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« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2022, 07:09:21 PM »

Back Again..I decided to dblck 10mtr AM freqs a bit later than usual..guess who I ran into..?..yup Rick VE6CQ on 29.025 sounding like music to my ears..big signal from the "Voice of Calgary"..exceptional audio..S mtr readings at my shack were consistent S9 is sure nice to hear to once again hear from if I/we cud somehow persuade Bob HB9ASQ back to AM that wud be great..
                     When I was yakking with John G3YPZ a day or two ago we went thru at least a couple dozen calls that use to "hang out" on 10 mtrs fairly regular..for the most part a gud portion of them are in fact back..things are gud again..!!!
                      Check it out guys & gals..AM is very much alive on 10mtrs   gud luk ! 73 de DAVE WB1EAD
PS: just saw Pete's post b/4 mine..Pete..John and others have reported working JA/VK/ZL all on 10mtrs SSB but ur right as of yet no mention of AM activity..although I did work the middle east AM so it's almost there..maybe..?

AMer livin in "Moose Country"

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« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2022, 08:50:00 AM »

Using the barefoot Ranger and Super Pro, I was able to have a short contact with Rick VE6CQ on 29.025 AM about 11:15 AM EST yesterday (10/19). He was S9+20 into MA with his great sounding TS-950. Too bad no email or QSL info, or I'd send him a card.

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« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2022, 12:52:37 PM »

Hello All..todays prop on 10mtrs AM I'm giving it a 9 to a 10..worked 5 in the space of an hour..ranging from the UK to Italy..this was just 15mins ago so conditions for those a little more west than here will probably hear all kinds of activity..Chuck K1KW was holding court on 29.040 and seemingly hearing ops from 360 deg around..he might be using a vertical..?..
                   Anyhoo you will miss out if ur not getting  73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"

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« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2022, 02:20:02 PM »

Hello All..been way too busy to report much on the right coast..seems every fall time it gets that way..anyhoo yes the 29mhz area AM has been very active..the fellas in Europa often mention callsigns that I haven't heard in a l-o-n-g time..reaching westward to Rick VE6CQ an almost daily visitor..Tom W0TDH in an e-mail said he had worked KH6 land..and some had mentioned hearing/working AZ.....
                 In the "strange stuff" section there has been a daily carrier(S1 to S3)at 29.100 varying thru modulation but runs from 1200 UTC til past 1700 UTC..??..also heard hi fi music and voice on 29.130 from time to time announcing it was Radio Habana Cuba..possible pirate re-broadcast..that's about it unless you count the Russian "babushkas" dispatching something all over 29mhz usually very early here.....
                  C Ya guys & gals...gud luk..73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"
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« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2022, 12:00:19 PM »

Yes, 10 is open.  I hear a lot of activity in the SSB portion. VE6CQ calling on 29.035 AM. I am in EPA.

73 de Tom WA3KLR  AMI # 77   Amplitude Modulation - a force Now and for the Future!

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« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2022, 01:40:57 PM »

Hi All..fabulous weather here..yes Tom I agree..lots of activity at 1443 UTC was Mervyn GW8TBG who I had not spoken to for almost a year..he sounded fine..told me of the possible return of G3UUR Dave to 10mtr AM..gud news there !..later was John G3YPZ with again another great signal on 10..yes I did hear Rick but our twins are due here for their birthday with that off I go..check out 10mtr AM IS open..and BTW when 29mhz goes flat take a peek at 15mtrs on usually hangs on a bit longer.....gud luk  73 de DAVE WB1EAD
PS: a bit odd I thought but J28MD was holding court on 28.600 listening up..I think they were trying to "escape" the crowded lower end..?..

AMer livin in "Moose Country"

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« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2022, 11:21:46 AM »

Hi All..jeez December already..not much in the way of posting lately from me..honestly there have been a few kinda weakish openings here on 10mtrs..about the same on 15mtrs too for a few weeks now..Tom W0TDH seems to be a "daily" user on 29.010 but very few DX AMers..anyway I did tune around today between 1300 to 1430 UTC and heard a couple of very weak Italian ops calling..some FM chatter above..I did hear some stuff I call "oddities"..on 28.900 an unmodded carrier varying between S3 to S9..heard that several times in the past few weeks..also a "re-broadcast" of an Europa SW station on 29.130 varys S3 to S5..and what sounded like an SSB station with carrier inserted calling CQ between 29.010 to 29.060..cud not decipher the callsign..
                  Last but not least an FM I think repeater at 29.165..all I caught was it saying in English use 1.8 for the PL tone..??
                                  I quit after 1445 UTC and several CQs..not any better on 15..gud luk ! 73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"

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« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2022, 10:17:42 AM »

Hi soon as I comment on not so hot conditions..the band shows promise again..ystdy was Mervyn GW8TBG who just finished up with Tom W0TDH..this on 29.020..signals gud 5/9 for about 5 mins then downwards..went up to 29.060 and found Doug G4VZR calling CQ AM..nice long chat with him but I kept thinking I've worked him b/4..why..?  because of his suffix in his call..who cud forget Pete W1VZR one of the "tall ships" on AM..?..anyhoo I have worked Doug 3 times b/4 on SSB in methinks my memory cells are still OK..BTW all of this occurred between 1530 to 1630 I finish tikky tapping here it's probably opening now...check out 10 and gud luk to all   73 de DAVE WB1EAD
PS: Mervyn said he wud be listening and calling all week....

AMer livin in "Moose Country"

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« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2023, 11:35:43 AM »

Hey All..just got off 10mtrs AM..yup she's open..heard K1KW yakking with Marcos CT1EHI on 29.020..both of them were well over S9..heard John G3YPZ on 29.000 calling CQ..we dropped to 28.990 and continued on for over 20mins..moved up to 29.010 to chat with Mervyn GW8TBG..this was about 30mins ago....if ya can't make it today then for sure give a listen tomorrow..BTW the 15mtr AM portion was seemingly sorta dead..?..anyhoo gud luk !!  73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"

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« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2023, 11:49:23 AM »

Hi all..well here we go again..just 10mins ago finished up with John G3YPZ on 29.000 on his Vangaurd..b/4 was Andy G4OJY running a HB rig..813 final modded by 6146s..then Marcos CT1EHI well above S9..25 over to be exact..this all is occurring right now..
I cudda stuck around but got chores/shopping to do..BTW not much of anything on 15mtrs AM  73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"
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« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2023, 08:05:26 AM »

Hi Dave! Yup, worked all of them from Ohio plus Portugal, Germany, Italy and the Azores! Having fun with the Siltronix 100C! Grin

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« Reply #22 on: January 17, 2023, 11:49:22 AM »

Hello once again..operated from 1600 to 1630 UTC between 29.000 to 29.030 AM..plenty of activity which as I write is most likely going on now..GW8TBG Mervyn was there S9+..followed by John F5SPP..then Robby EI2IP running a multi-element wire beam on an SDR trcvr..his signal never below S9 and at times as high as 25 over.....
               Yes I'm aware I'm located next to the Atlantic and a bit easier to launch a signal but all of these ops report working/hearing stations much further in than meself..Robby EI2IP actually finished up a "Q" with Tim WA5TGK b/4 calling me..
                                The band is gud luk (best time for me is between 1530 to 1700 UTC)
                                                                  73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"
Pete, WA2CWA

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« Reply #23 on: January 17, 2023, 04:01:49 PM »

Let us know when the Far East and Australia start rolling in.

Pete, WA2CWA - "A Cluttered Desk is a Sign of Genius"

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« Reply #24 on: January 21, 2023, 11:50:45 AM »

Aft all..posting has been non-able due to one heck of a snow/ice event here..power out on/off..Mosely is now a "weeping willow"..however today was very gud on 10 AM..GW8TBG Mervyn with his FB BA gear..followed by G4MQL John on a nice Icom 7310..I was about to QRT when Carl NI4D came on barefoot with his 7610 & hexbeam and myself pointed at Europa and unable to rotate due to icing up..did not matter as he hit S9 easy..gud conditions..down below in SSB land I did manage to work Datta shows from that the band is reaching a bit further everyday..ur for sure missing out if you don't give 10 AM a try...
                                        Gud luk !!  73 de DAVE WB1EAD
BTW..there was a G7 with an american accent calling on 29.000 CQ AM..several times but it seemed he cud not hear anyone..wonder if anyone worked him..??

AMer livin in "Moose Country"
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