In your circuit, what sets the 9.1 k?
I see the reactance as from the Cin of 12.5 pF/tube. Ok, 2 tubes at 3.5 MHz yields the -j1.82 k value. However, this Cin is in shunt. I did not check, is the parallel of all this when converted to a series form give you the Zin you stated?
This pdf below is interesting read and in the end he uses the Required Drive Power divided by the nominal grid 1 current. That works out to a real value that you can forget about. So yes, seems like forcing a shunt R value for an input Q of say 10 or 12 makes sense. And the rest is just the remaining Cin of the tube.
http://rfcec.com/RFCEC/Section-3%20-%20Fundamentals%20of%20RF%20Communication-Electronics/04%20-%20AMPLIFIERS%20-%20RF%20POWER%20AMPLIFIER%20BASICS/RFPA%20-%20Tetrode%20and%20Pentode%20RF%20Power%20Amplifier%20Information%20(By%20Larry%20E.%20Gugle%20K4RFE).pdfThe 63 edition of the Handbook has a single 4-400A with a link coupled input. I went through the transformer calculations with various assumptions for a single tube. The real part of Z value was all over the place. What Shane says makes sense!