I have seen the movie trailer and it looks like it would be worth viewing. Would love to visit Bletchley...so quite envious Norm. There have been a number of books and movies about Bletchley and company over the years. A remarkable story. I always wondered what Churchill could have said about Ultra, the decoded intelligence. The fact that Bletchley even existed was not released until nearly a decade after Churchill had left the earth.
The Germans put too much trust in their ciphers. Mathematically the machines, mostly rotor types, were nearly impossible to decode. However, poor operating practices by field operators allowed the people at Bletchley time to find the keys. I should also point out that the Poles were the ones who actually broke the codes. It was their gift to the Brits when Poland was overrun.
I had the pleasure of working on a very similar machine to the Enigma in Uncle Sam's flying circus. The KL7 was a more sophisticated cousin (nephew?) of the Enigma with some electronics and a few more rotors. In the 60s and 70s, the KL7 was used by military field units and was supplied to all the NATO members for teletype traffic between all the embassies. What we did not know at the time is the Russians were listening and decoding our traffic all along. Every word. A guy named Walker walked right into the Russian embassy (through the front door no less) and gave them the key tables.
So it turned out we were just as bad as the Germans a generation earlier as far as operating practices. People got lazy and never changed the keys. Personally I hated the thing...it was always breaking down with poor contacts issues.
But....back to the original post, I do want to see the movie. Hope I dont put anyone to sleep reading this dribble