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Author Topic: Wanted: Info on an antique multimeter.  (Read 1420 times)
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« on: February 09, 2013, 09:44:19 AM »

Nearly 70 years ago, when my OM (VE1MZ) was encouraging me to become interested in ham radio (he did succeed), he often let me play around with my one-tube receivers and 6L6 xtal oscillator building projects in his workroom.

Several of my memories involve a multimeter that I often scattered by such ill-conceived efforts as trying to learn the internal resistance of a 45 volt B battery with his  ohmmeter.  Dad’s patience was great and a meter repair and some instructional words ended the disaster.  Dad is long ago a silent key, but I’d sure like to obtain one of those multimeters.

   Sri abt the drafting and my lousy memory, but the sketch tries to show a hand-held multimeter where the functions and ranges are entered by the knob on the right side, and the meter functions and range scales were displayed by a rotating turret, much like the bands on a latter-day HRO receiver.   Oh yes, it’s very fragile when applying 45 volts to its low-ohms scale!

We lived in eastern Canada in those days, so the meter might well be of non-USA origin, but if you have any idea of make or model, I’d sure be appreciative!

73 de al hart, W8VR es VE1VI.


* Multimeter.jpg (128.86 KB, 846x843 - viewed 391 times.)
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