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Author Topic: AM in Europa on 7140 khz  (Read 32208 times)
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pe1mph AM from Holland

« on: July 16, 2012, 04:40:11 PM »

Hello AM Lovers,

AM stations in France starting a little 'AM-net' in the 40 mtr band.
First they tried 7120 khz, but often to busy (ssb stations!) on this freq.
Therefore qsy to +/- 7140 khz in the late afternoon.
So between +/- 17.00 - 17.45 hour by us, in the afternoon.

When I have time, I listen mostly just after 17.00 hour.
And often I hear AM from France on 7140 khz.
I am wondering how many I can hear, but...
The signals having many fading and not one day they are the same.
I think the 40 meter band is not always the same.... (conditions!).

Till now I have heard on 7140 khz in AM:

PA3HCO and I (PE1MPH) have had already qso's with AM stations in France.
PA3HCO with his BC 610 and me with only 20 Watts (Yeasu FT 901).

During the weekend Jean F6AQK is often qrv on +/- 7185 khz.
But I think he is moving to 7140 khz evenso in het early morning.

I have no idea if 7140 is mostly free in the USA?
A pity the conditions are bad between Europa and the USA.
Hopefull we get about some time better conditions!

If I have more news about this 'new AM freq.' I let you know...


Henk, pe1mph, Dokkum, The Netherlands

* 7141 AM.mp3 (1133.24 KB - downloaded 859 times.)
* 7120-13-06-12.mp3 (970.74 KB - downloaded 551 times.)

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2012, 04:50:26 PM »

Hello AM Lovers,
This Sunday afternoon (July 29-th) I had my first qso on 7140 khz with my home made transmitter.
A few days ago I got, from the postman Grin, a crystal for 7140 khz.
Yesterday evening the hole evening I were busy...
To make another end-spool and other tank-coil.
Late in the evening I had a carrier on 7140 khz.
But I heard contesters... so I did not listen and calling in AM!

This Sunday afternoon I heard AM from France on 7140 at +/- 17.00 hours.
I wait first.... I listen who are qrv....

Later I worked:

F1 ? Claude?
GO7YY ?, did calling often to us in AM

I did use my homemade transmitter with 60 Watts.
Antenna dipole 2x 25 mtrs long, horizontale hanging.

Later on the afternoon the signals were getting better.
So then I could hear Jean, without any problem.
Eh..... nearly.... some ssb stations splattering.

Thats all for today. Smiley


« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2012, 09:32:44 AM »

Excellent, Henk, will endeavour to listen to these stations on a Globaltuners node.

Hope to hear you on.


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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2012, 04:40:09 PM »

Excellent, Henk, will endeavour to listen to these stations on a Globaltuners node.

Hope to hear you on.

Mostly every day just after 5 o'clock in the afternoon: AM around 7140 khz.
Last week I logged many stations on the Camping, near Zwolle.
AM from: France, UK, Italia, Malta and The Netherlands.
A pity..... sometimes qrm from ssb stations, but...
Then the AM-stations going a little up or down in freq.


Henk, pe1mph, Dokkum, The Netherlands

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2012, 04:26:03 PM »

A pity!
Often strong ssb on 7140 khz in the late afternoon in Europe.
Therefore the AM stations 'moving' mostly a little up or down.
Not less in khz, only a few.
Around 7135 or 7145 khz, but....
Ssb stations are very active around 7140 khz.
Maybe the want to move us, AM lovers, away?!

The same is happening around 7195 khz.
On that freq. are in the late afternoon Italians in AM.

It is 'not easy' to get a NICE AM qso on 40 meters without ssb! Smiley


Henk, pe1mph, The Netherlands

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2012, 12:48:56 PM »

Hello AM lovers,
Today (12 sept.) I worked on 7140 khz just after 17.00 hour in the afternoon:

- F5JPV, big signal
- F2XI, good to copy

I heard more stations from France in AM talking.
Some a little down and some a little up 7140 khz.
But to many splattering from ssb....

Evenso I worked on 7140 khz just after 18.00 hour in the late afernoon / early evening:

- F6DVD, very strong and very nice audio!
- F6EML, good to copy, but many fading
- F5JPV, again a big signal

The signals were after 18.00 better then just after 17.00 khz.
And, very important, less ssb on the freq. 7140 khz!

I thought..... maybe you like this AM info.
So you know whats happening (in AM) in Europe! Grin


Dokkum, The Netherlands

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #6 on: September 19, 2012, 04:02:18 PM »

Hello AM Lovers,

Just I were wondering: Is there in the USA AM around 7140 khz? Smiley
Or are you (AM stations) using another freq. between 7100 - 7200 khz often?

I know the home freq. = 7290 by you.... Grin

This afternoon I heard on 7140 khz: PE1BIW and F6DVD with good signals.


Dokkum, The Netherlands

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« Reply #7 on: September 20, 2012, 06:19:35 AM »

..some sundays there are some of us on 7120 around 4pm eastern time...i hear europe here, at that time..with the days getting shorter, it may work out..

...Yes, my name is Tim

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2012, 10:04:39 AM »

..some sundays there are some of us on 7120 around 4pm eastern time...i hear europe here, at that time..with the days getting shorter, it may work

Thanks for your info!
I keep my ears around that freq.
When I hear AM from the USA around 7120 khz.
Then I post it on this AM Forum, under 40 meters. Smiley


Henk, pe1mph

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« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2012, 08:13:42 PM »

..if you hear guys from the USA they are out of band...i'm in CANADA...the country that liberated holland...  we are allowed there..


...Yes, my name is Tim

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #10 on: September 21, 2012, 10:44:27 AM »

..if you hear guys from the USA they are out of band...i'm in CANADA...the country that liberated holland...  we are allowed there..

Yes, thanks therefore Tim!
This morning on 7120 & 7190 khz BC, Chinese / Japanese talking.
Time by me were around 06.30 = 04.30 London GMT time.
And 7140 khz totaly clean / free.


Henk, pe1mph, Dokkum

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2012, 12:10:03 PM »

..some sundays there are some of us on 7120 around 4pm eastern time...i hear europe here, at that time..with the days getting shorter, it may work out..

On 7120 khz
I received (this morning) a BC station with good signal.
I heard talk & music, in a for me unknow language?!
Maybe: 7120 kHz - Radio Hargeysa Somali

On 7140 khz I received in AM some stations from France.
But (a pity Sad) plenty strong ssb stations blowing all AM away!

Thats all for today,


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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2012, 09:15:22 AM »

Hello AM Lovers,
Yes early mornings, by me, often a BC station on 7120.
So not good for AM DX-ing.

Some years back in the UK (G-stations) starting AM on 7143 khz.
But not long... not many were qrv on 40 meters.

This afternoon I came back home from my work.
I listen, om my Kenwood R 5000, in our livingroom, and??? Smiley
AM on 7143 khz, I thought: 'Let me say hello to them'.
So I go to my studio and talked on 7140 khz in AM with: GW0WLQ.
He moved from 7143 to 7140 and he has a good signal by me.
But the conditions were 'up & down' on 40 meters....

I made a little recording from the webreceiver Twente, see below.

After us qso another AM Lover came on the freq.: PA1RIK.
Thats a long time ago I talked with him...



* GW0WLQ.mp3 (360.59 KB - downloaded 648 times.)

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Crystals are from the stone age

« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2012, 12:56:03 PM »

WEll two old friends , Henk and Tim.
After a busy summer the racecar is put away and I actually had the homebrew AM rig on 40 Meters about an hour and a half ago. I am going to do some serious listening on 7140  in my cellar hamshack (all homebrew stuff)
I was obsessed with more power last year but when checking out everything before calling CQ today I realize the little rig actually works very well. I am going to devote this year to antenna improvements and related deals. I should be able to get out with a near perfect antenna and some patience.
Nice to find you both here and obviously doing well.
If you hear a faint VE3LYX QRP be sure to comeback.

Don VE3LYX<br />Eng, DE & petite Francais

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2012, 10:03:47 AM »

Hello AM Lovers on 40 mtrs,

Last Saturday I have removed my 7140 khz crystal.
Sorry, but in Europa during daytime to many ssb.
Very busy in that part of 40 mtrs... to busy for me to 'hear & work' AM!
Therefore I try to find another and better AM freq.
Yes the AM Lovers from France are still on +/- 7140 khz.
Mostly between 17.00 to +/- 17.45 on air, but often I can't hear them... Sad


Henk, pe1mph


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« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2012, 07:18:31 PM »

..Henk...Sunday afternoons, 7120 Canadians are on..U.S. stations cannot go there..4-5pm eastern time...2000-2100 gmt..

...Yes, my name is Tim

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #16 on: October 25, 2012, 12:30:57 PM »

..Henk...Sunday afternoons, 7120 Canadians are on..U.S. stations cannot go there..4-5pm eastern time...2000-2100 gmt..

Sorry but every morning BC on 7120 khz and on 7185 khz.

This afternoon I worked in AM on 7140 khz: F5JPV
I used my Allbander Yaesu FT 901-D only 25 Watts.
Intoo my horizontale dipole antenna, +/- 2x 26 mtrs long.
And readers... he heard me!
But I got big troubles to hear him, many ssb near the freq.
I listen in 'narrow' in AM, but still splatters...
So we stopped our qso....

Earlier this afternoon I heard (on 7140 khz) with the KPO 2100 receiver in the kitchen:
Jan (talkradio Grin) PA3HCO and Jean F6AQK qso-ing.
Jan had a good signal, no problem to hear
Jean many fading and often ssb blowing his audio away. Cry

Thats all for today,

Henk, PE1MPH


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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2012, 04:54:21 AM »

Hallo AM Lovers,
Mostly every day, (late) afternoon, AM from France on 7140 khz.
The French going many times some khz up or down.

But for me often not to receive.... to many ssb.
Therefore I am during a long time not qrv on 7140 khz.

Just I got an email from an AM Lover, maybe you like this:

LA1D (Norsk Radiohistorisk Forening) hadde aktivitetsdag 8.oktober 2011.
On 7136 khz.


Henk, PE1MPH
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