This time of year bears typically want to lay back and are kinda sleepy. However I did do an internet search on these things and it seems that the design of a single band Lin-eee-yar is fairly simple and straightforward. Especially for 80m.
In addition there are some 1kw class RF power Mosfets out there for <$100usd... to do the same power with discrete switching mosfets @ say $5 per device and using 8 or 12 devices will run between $40-60, and given that I saw one of the high power devices for $59.95 and they are good out to VHF, that is looking interesting because it will not be restricted to 160,80 and maybe 40...
I may get my feet wet on the switching mosfets, that way when I smoke them, it's cheaper!
But broadly speaking the way to go seems to be with P-P using ~250w modules and a combiner...
This is looking very interesting indeed!