Since high C 450V caps are rather common these days and even available surplus Id go with a minimum of 25uF total. Higher will give better regulation once you decide to fess up and use that tube the way it was meant to be

but at 1500W PEP the voltage will barely budge with that iron. The popular values among linear amp builders these days are 470 and 560uF with a few going into strings of 1200-2400uF.
At that voltage and with any C you need a serious step start and real diodes. Id go with 6A10's and remember to leave the leads long for heat dissipation (same with 1N5408's in a smaller PS). Run a .001@ 10kV or better across the entire string of diodes and another to ground at the B+ out point; these protect the diodes from ultra fast spikes. Install a 1N5408/6A10 reverse connected across each cap to protect them in case of a PS diode string failure; they will short and your safety devices will open. You dont want to be around a 6-7kV PS when the caps blow from raw an instant.
You also need a real HV fuse in the PS and a 30-50 Ohm 50W minimum HV glitch resistor at the base of the plate choke. This is no time to get sloppy as Ive seen in way too many HB PS.