All true - there will be more power in the audio frequencies that actually do some good. But it shouldn't make a difference on a true RMS power meter.
Where is this RMS wattmeter?
I've only got AVG and PEP on mine... Only time I saw RMS on a wattmeter was one designed for the 27 mhz band.
I agree with what you are saying, though, Steve. It SHOULDN'T make a difference. I wonder if I have a problem with the transistor(s) I'm using for the series modulator?
Another problem could be this: Trying to shove the sub freq's into a system that CAN'T pass them. If the modulator (iron or series or

) is only designed to pass freq's above say 200Hz, and you start trying to shove LOTS more power below 200 Hz, then things start getting squirrely.