Ok, I know this has been batted about before, but I don't think I read a
definitive answer on it.
Let's assume the "load" is a dipole, for simplicity... (I guess)
Now, the "usual" is to run up a single coax, with one side of the dipole on the shield and the other on the hot.
We can also run up parallel ladder line, and provide a balanced signal, spread the feed point if you will to get the proper impedance, etc.
What happens when one takes two 50 ohm coax runs in parallel, and feed the center conductors with a balanced signal?
What do we do with the "shield"
is the characteristic impedance of the paralleled coax lines? 100 ohms? Or??
Since the shield is not connected to the ant (or should it be?) should it be connected to "ground" or a "center tap" of the tuner (like a link coupled affair - an RF xfrmr?).
Shields connected at the top of the run??
How about "active" drive for the shields, as can be done in some other applications...?
Does doing any of this provide any of the benefits of "open wire line"?? Or a waste of perfectly good coax??
Inquiring minds want to know!
