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Author Topic: Northern New England Amateur Radio Event May 4th and 5th 2007 ???  (Read 71425 times)
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« on: March 01, 2007, 03:30:35 PM »

Hello Friends:

It was three weeks ago today that we all read the ominous statement on the official Hosstraders' Web site that the October 2006 event was the last one. 

Shock and disbelief was apparent as the stunning news spread like wildfire within the amateur radio community in the Northeast and elsewhere.  One of my friends reported that it was a subject of discussion at the Orlando Hamfest over 1500 miles away.  It is clear that everyone is bummed out over the end of the Hosstraders. 

The AM and Military subsets of the Hobby are the biggest losers because Hosstraders was an important social event for us as well as a place to exchange stuff.  After all we can hardly go into HRO and buy what we want over the counter.  We've all seen the great 'Festers deteriorate over the past several years.  Many are blaming ePay and other online resources but the truth is even more basic - there's only so much of this stuff out there to go around.

We have come to take the semi-annual Hosstraders events very much for granted and this was perhaps a mistake.  Everything has a beginning and an end.  Last October was one of the best events on record.  Many of you reading this posting were there and some of you travelled great distances to attend.  I'm thinking particularly of Steve "The HUZ-Man"  Gary W2INR, Dave K3ZRF, Greg and "Johnny Novice" in particular. 

The Norm, Joe and Bob, the three guys who organized it from the very beginning in 1973 have really done a magnificent job over the ensuing years and donated over 1.3 million dollars to the Shriners Burns Units in three hospitals.  But they're tired and probably the tasks involved in organizing Hosstraders twice a year became real work for them and they decided to call it quits on a high note.

Many of you have been cussing and discussing this unhappy situation for three weeks and I have decided to make a statement about what has been happening.  I hope it is not premature because no contracts for the venue have been signed as of this writing (March 1st 2007).  However things look very promising and I can say with some confidence that there will be two new events in the general tradition of The Hosstraders (but not related), tentatively on May 4th and 5th (Friday and Saturday) as well as October 12th and 13th 2007.

In fact right now I do not know what the costs will be but I am anticipating something in the area of $6,000.00 - $7,500.00.  That's a lotta green!  However I feel that this event means so much to so many of us that I really need to do what I can in order to get it off the ground.

At the present time there is no committee or organization.  However once I have secured the venue I will quickly enlist the assistance of several folks to help me host the event.

It is very important the event be held in May of this year so as to maintain the continuity.  Time is short.  Fortunately we can publicize it on the air and over the Net.

Gary W2INR has graciously provided me with a separate Forum Board on this site to facilitate communications between the organizers.  Thank you G. 

Right now I am not at liberty to reveal the venue as I consider such discussion to be bad luck.  However, I assure you that if I am successful in my negotiations everyone will be very pleased with the location.  It will offer all the amenities we have become used to having and MORE!!!!  The venue under consideration will be a bit closer for those travelling from points south and west.  I hope to be able to elaborate further in two weeks after the deal has been sealed. 

I have decided tentatively call the event "The New England Amateur Radio Festival" which produces a nice acronym  "The NEAR-Fest".  Kinda compliments FAR-Fest!    I initially thought that "Ham-Traders" would be nice but it reminded me of the infamous Ham Trader Yellow Sheets aka "The Yellow Peril" of the past.  Besides it sounds too much like "Hosstraders" which this is most assuredly not.

Once a contract is signed and the event is a "go" I plan to take a page from the M.I.T. flea market and offer prepaid admissions to finance the expenses.  As with the policy at M.I.T. the prepaid admissions line enters the flea market first. 

There will of course be as Web site set up as soon as the venue is a done deal. 

Please keep discussion of this limited to this Forum for the time being.  Also I want to discourage any questions by direct e-mail as I have limited time to devote to this and would prefer to focus on getting the venue nailed down and not answering questions for now.  Instead, please feel free to post your comments and suggestions to this topic thread. I will read this thread frequently and if I see anything that I feel is of use be assured that I will note it.

Thank you all for understanding.

See you all on the 4th!


MisterMike. W1RC

"It is a good thing we don't get the government we pay for."  Will Rogers.
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« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2007, 01:46:53 PM »

Nice work, Mike !!!!

I will operate a special event station from the event, as usual :-)  Can also hold seminars, etc. if you have any ideas!

Talk later and Regards,



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« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2007, 01:57:49 PM »

That is good news indeed...thanks much.
Radio Syracuse
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« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2007, 05:30:18 PM »

I just heard the best rumor I could have heard in years!!!!

There is a rumor that we are going back to Deerfield!!!!  If this is true  WOW !!

Details might be available next week!!!


G - The INR

Amateur Weather Station KNYSYRAC64
Creator - owner - - 2001 - 2010
Founding Member - NEAR-Fest

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Are FETs supposed to glow like that?

« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2007, 07:39:14 PM »

Hmmm Deerfield.....

Seems to be TWO Deerfields in NH.....

Which one is it?

Mike indicated the new site would be closer for people treaveling from the South and West.....
Doesn't seem like either Deerfield.nh fits that description...

Oh well.....
sounds like we'll find out soon !!!!!

Radio Syracuse
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« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2007, 07:42:29 PM »

When it comes to Hamfests there is only one Deerfield - - NH

G - The INR

Amateur Weather Station KNYSYRAC64
Creator - owner - - 2001 - 2010
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Joe Long
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2007, 07:47:36 PM »

At this point I'm willing to settle for Kingston. Remember that horror show?

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Are FETs supposed to glow like that?

« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2007, 07:52:04 PM »

When it comes to Hamfests there is only one Deerfield - - NH

Ok fine......

But WHERE is it   ??

I look it up and there is TWO Deerfield New Hampshires !!

One in Rockingham Co., and one in Grafton Co.

Unfortunately, when I started attending Hosstraders, it was already in Rochester....

So, I have no idea of what part of the state it's in.....

Oh well, I guess they'll put out directions when they get ready, and then I can find out....


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« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2007, 09:10:25 PM »

Hosstraders was held for many years at the Deerfield Fairgrounds in Deerfield NH, which is in Rockingham County, a little north and west (actually north and east!) of Manchester NH off Route 101. 

73 de
No. Weare NH
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2007, 09:43:50 PM »

NE of Manchester actually:

I hope the rumor is true. Hosstraders at Deerfield was well before my time (got my license in 1997) and I've heard a lot about how great it was from others. I hope something official is announced soon, so the word can spread fast!
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« Reply #10 on: March 09, 2007, 10:12:08 PM »

I'm not confirming or denying any rumors about Deerfield but just so you'll know here's where it's at:,-71.522369&spn=0.43328,1.487274&om=1

For a good satellite eye view of the fairgrounds take a look at:

How many of you can spot the old "AM Corral"?

Again, I am not confirming or denying any rumors as to whether this is the new location!  Gary is correct however when he writes; there is only ONE Deerfield.   It's been 15 years since we were last there in October 1992 but the memories are still strong.

Stay tuned!  Do not adjust your set.



"It is a good thing we don't get the government we pay for."  Will Rogers.
Johnny Novice

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« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2007, 06:45:59 AM »

OUtstanding, Mike!!  The last Hosstraders was the best hamfest I've ever been to, bar none, and I've attended Dayton probably 20 years.  I've yet to go to a bad hamfest in New Hamsta  Grin

FCC:  "The record is devoid of a demonstrated nexus between Morse code proficiency and on-the-air conduct."

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« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2007, 03:39:50 PM »

NE of Manchester actually

Oh, crap!  I don't know east from west!  Sad part is that I go by the exit off Route 101 twice a day to and from work... 

It is a great place though.  And one of the best agricultural fairs around the first weekend in October.

73 de
No. Weare NH
Todd, KA1KAQ

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« Reply #13 on: March 12, 2007, 03:14:50 PM »

Deerfield is where we came from. I met the AM gang there when I got involved many moon ago after CW, DXing on SSB and so on. Deerfield is really responsible for where I am today in AM. I met all of the modern day OTs there: Tim, Chuck, Tom, Paul etc. Also met a certain N2 who is now a W2, way back when he was looking for a CE 200V.

So....who remembers the regular SSB Sacrifices off the back of the grandstand? We might not be as likely to send an old B&W or Heath SSB adaptor over the rail these days, but back then it was a sight to behold. Parts flying everywhere...

If it's true that ham radio as we know it is dying, Deerfield would be the place to spend our time. A sort of 'rest home' for old radio farts and other things from the good ol' days. Who knows? It might be responsible for a Renaissance of sorts, a revitalization of interest and participation. The legend and mystique of Deerfield is well known.

known as The Voice of Vermont in a previous life
KE7NL - Jack
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« Reply #14 on: March 12, 2007, 08:28:57 PM »

Does the Fairgrounds have a "SWINE" barn?  That's what I'm going to be looking for.
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« Reply #15 on: March 13, 2007, 09:11:00 PM »

Everyone wants a hint as to where the new event will take place.  Here's a fairly recent snapshot.  Any ideas?

The official announcement will come very soon.  I'm just waiting for the signed contract to arrive and then the guessing will end.



"It is a good thing we don't get the government we pay for."  Will Rogers.
« Reply #16 on: March 13, 2007, 11:18:15 PM »

...70' flat top...nice!

« Reply #17 on: March 14, 2007, 05:51:38 AM »

How's the camping ?

* DSC07754'.jpg (35.06 KB, 300x241 - viewed 1229 times.)
Todd, KA1KAQ

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« Reply #18 on: March 14, 2007, 10:35:31 AM »

Everyone wants a hint as to where the new event will take place.  Here's a fairly recent snapshot.  Any ideas?

Having an unfair advantage of experience along with inside knowledge, I won't register my guess. It almost brings tears to my eyes, Mike. Can't wait. Cheesy

Of course, Paul's camping picture is an attention getter also. Personal space heaters never looked so good...

known as The Voice of Vermont in a previous life
« Reply #19 on: March 14, 2007, 08:08:44 PM »

 Hey All. I ALSO recognize this location! Yeah baby!    Yes indeed, the home for old radio farts, I LIKE it!     .........Well the old Hosstraders seemed to have "evolved" into more of  an over night "campfest" with a flea market on the side. It is  a shame that the number of Saturday day trippers had crashed to near zero (thanks to Ebay?). But the overnighter's numbers seemed to have held steady, even up to the last Hosstraders. I am sure that this new reality and situation hasn't been lost to those working on the rebirth. I am sure this  reality will be factored in.  My thanks to all involved. de N1NQC
Todd, KA1KAQ

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« Reply #20 on: March 15, 2007, 11:10:55 AM »

I recall sleeping in the back of a pickup truck with cap at Deerfield years ago during a HUGE rainstorm. I woke up to what sounded like a truckload of marbles being dropped on me. Also slept under a motorhome and a 4x4 once. Camping at Hosstraders and other hamfests has been a part of it since they became 2 day events. The age factor and disposable income has meant RVs and hotels in place of roughing it.

And as easy as it is to blame ebay, inevitably it comes back to us. Most of us use ebay, and many of us no longer sell at hamfests. That doesn't mean the two are related beyond. Some of us discussed this last fall and concluded that as we've gotten older, we've come to appreciate the social aspects more. Seeing friends, going to dinner, hanging around or just wandering, it's a lot more fun than being chained to a table.

Add to that the fact that most were picking up this old junk long before it became fashionable or an "investment" and you have another reason: we've got enough already. That doesn't mean we don't find more, we're just not as likely to. We also tend to redistribute to others we know, precluding the big need to purge as often. Pieces-parts seem to be the great quest now.

The biggest thing we can do now is help expose others to the wonders of radio in a form they can relate to. It's been said that radio isn't recognizable anymore for what it is, and there's some truth to that. The old commercial and home brew gear is nice for grabbing the interest of some as 'radio', and the Class E along with SDR stuff is attractive to those who prefer a newer approach. The Yaecomwood plug-n-play stuff fills in the remaining gaps.

So whether we support this into the future by helping out with a fest or simply help financially by attending and telling others, we can all take part.

known as The Voice of Vermont in a previous life
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« Reply #21 on: March 15, 2007, 01:06:44 PM »

If it is indeed Deerfield, the RADIO TART approves.

She has very happy memories of those nights days.



"Okay, gang are you ready to play radio? Are you ready to shuffle off the mortal coil of mediocrity? I am if you are." Shepherd

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« Reply #22 on: March 15, 2007, 04:32:15 PM »

Oh yea Miss Bullpucky the stealth woman
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« Reply #23 on: March 15, 2007, 07:18:34 PM »

Oh yea Miss Bullpucky the stealth woman

Frank- Stealth can be good- If an XYL is involved.!

She keeps saying she wants to see your pickled eggplant!



"Okay, gang are you ready to play radio? Are you ready to shuffle off the mortal coil of mediocrity? I am if you are." Shepherd
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« Reply #24 on: March 16, 2007, 12:03:48 PM »

I didn't receive anything from the "venue" in today's mail but called my contact who told me that he personally mailed the contracts to me yesterday so as the old saying goes: "They're in the mail!" 

You might want to listen to Al Weiner Worldwide on WBCQ The Planet tonight at 8:30 PM on 7.415.  If the signal skips over ya listen online:

In the meantime here's another clue.  If this doesn't give it away I don't know what will......

Who knows? This may be the new "AM Corral / MIL HQ".

Also a new message will be started in the ANNOUNCEMENTS forum to continue this discussion.


MrMike W1RC

"It is a good thing we don't get the government we pay for."  Will Rogers.
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