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Author Topic: New England Wireless and Steam Museum Tune Up.  (Read 2956 times)
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« on: July 15, 2024, 12:41:44 PM »

  This coming Saturday, July 20th, at the New England Wireless and Steam Museum, in Rhode Island:
  Went last year, and it was quite a nice little show. Not Sussex or Nearfest class, but still a nice turnout, and the Museum itself, both the Steam and the Radio portions, are very much worth the trip in themselves.
  Weather, at least at this point, is looking fine, and a bit cooler and drier.

"Gosh, Batman, I never knew there were no punctuation marks in alphabet soup!"
—Robin, in the 1960's Batman TV series.
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« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2024, 04:43:46 PM »

   What if they put on a hamfest, and no one showed up? Well, I don't want to say it was an absolute bust—it was still a great day to be out and about with fellow hams—but the turnout was very disappointing this year, especially since the weather was so good. I didn't count them, but barely a dozen vendors showed up, and very few buyers.
   Next time around, I hope the organizers do a better job of getting the word out; it wasn't listed on the League's calendar, and I didn't see it on QRZ, either. It'll be a real shame if the organizers lose interest in hosting the event due to lack of enthusiasm.

"Gosh, Batman, I never knew there were no punctuation marks in alphabet soup!"
—Robin, in the 1960's Batman TV series.
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« Reply #2 on: July 23, 2024, 01:10:37 PM »

It was good to see you at the NEWSM Bill. I thought it was strange how the vendor setups were spread out in a big arc like that. Was that because normally the whole field gets filled up? It was my first visit there. I found some good stuff including a coveted 50.4 (8400) crystal. I should go on Oct 5 when they have all the steam engines going.
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« Reply #3 on: July 23, 2024, 02:15:31 PM »

  They didn't fill up the whole field, but they lined up around the perimeter, sort of like this time but more densely packed. I think many of the vendors had the idea of staying in the shade of the trees, but as the sun rose the shade abandoned them, anyway.
   Yes, I saw that 8400 crystal. I thought about buying it, but then figured that I'm on VFO most of the time, and I already have two 8400 crystals, anyway. So, now I'm glad I didn't buy it, saving it for you! Yes, they are quite hard to find; I was surprised to see it.
   I bought nothing at all—very unusual for me—but I was tempted by that empty SP-600 cabinet, since I've got a very nice SP-600 which (like most SP-600's) didn't come with one. I understand that original cabinets are somewhat rare, but $200 seemed a bit steep, especially since it was missing its cover, and I can order a brand-new Hammond rack cabinet for around the same price.
   Last year they did have almost all of the steam engines running, but this year, maybe due to lack of staffing, they only ran one, and on compressed air rather than steam. The air turns the engine, but it just doesn't sound the same, or smell the same. Steam, oddly enough, has a smell, and then there's the smell of the hot lubricating oil, and together with the sound of the hissing steam and the click-clack of the valve gear and the rumble of the flywheels, it's pure magic; much like the glow of vacuum tube filaments and the smell of hot glass and carbon-comp resistors is radio magic.
   I meant to go to the Steam Up event last year, but didn't for some reason. This year I will try to make it. I get the impression that it's an event to arrive early for, since it draws quite a crowd.
   Hope to see you at Moxboro!

It was good to see you at the NEWSM Bill. I thought it was strange how the vendor setups were spread out in a big arc like that. Was that because normally the whole field gets filled up? It was my first visit there. I found some good stuff including a coveted 50.4 (8400) crystal. I should go on Oct 5 when they have all the steam engines going.


"Gosh, Batman, I never knew there were no punctuation marks in alphabet soup!"
—Robin, in the 1960's Batman TV series.

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« Reply #4 on: July 24, 2024, 08:25:53 PM »

Just seeing this now…sadly, I’m only 15 minutes away and had no idea it was on.  They used to send announcements by email and postcard. 
Hope to hear before the next one. 
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« Reply #5 on: July 24, 2024, 09:16:11 PM »

   Yes, I hope they're more proactive about getting the word out next year. And Tom, if you're interested in that sort of thing, the Steam Up event is October 5th this year.

Just seeing this now…sadly, I’m only 15 minutes away and had no idea it was on.  They used to send announcements by email and postcard. 
Hope to hear before the next one. 

"Gosh, Batman, I never knew there were no punctuation marks in alphabet soup!"
—Robin, in the 1960's Batman TV series.
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