My unamplified D104 gives me 50 to 100 millivolts, the highest output of all my mics. It is easily damaged by moisture or temperature extremes. Some years back someone on Ebay found a treasure chest of new D104 elements and I bought one. I've been careful with it cause I think they are gone forever.
I have seen my best one go as high as 400mV peak to peak, "unloaded.'
Did you load it with 3.3M to 10Mohms resistance when you measured it?
In my experience, a good frequency response of an unamplified D-104 is when it was loaded between from between 3.3Mohm to 10Mohm. I usually replace R18 2.2M with a 3.3M grid resistor, and I modify the speech amplifier stages V5A and B so they won't oscillate.
R18 is only 1Mohm and really loads down a D-104 severely, so the total input resistance as seen by a D-104 is actually 690k ohms, way too low a load for any D-104. R18 is there to actually reduce gain so the stage won't oscillate. A very poor design. All they had to do was reduce the gain of first stage gain slightly and the speech amplifier would not have oscillated.
C31 and the mic pot R19 also need to be replaced with a .01uF cap and a 500kohm pot, respectively.