Wonder if they have a software version that can be used as a plug in for Flex Radios? Do they have software defined Radios for CB?
Flex 1500 unlock files have been floating around for over 25 years.
Other flex unlock codes and plugs have been done.
The Apache Anan radios are fairly popular on 11 meters.
I brought a Hermes Light board on 11 meters and that's the hot ticket now. One of the 11 meter amp builders is now building single 2sc2510 28 volt amps for the 5 watt radios to get them at 100 out. Comes complete with a output for pure signal.
Flex kind of screwed themselves with the CBers with their shittier than thou attitude. Any CBer that wants a flex has one working on 11 meters. But why jump through hoops when hardware just as good is out there that doesn't treat you like a shit head....?
CBers have JS8Call, Ft8, run rtty and sstv. They are running Olivia.
Pretty much any mode ham radio has the 11 meter crowd does as well. Packet, check. Hi fi? Check. Assymetrical audio? Check. 50 thousand watt xmitter, check.