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Author Topic: Ten nearly every day Open!  (Read 16200 times)
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pe1mph AM from Holland

« on: November 10, 2023, 03:49:54 AM »

Hello AM Lovers,
Last weeks good conditions on 10 meter.
It is great to hear so many stations in AM.

Often I hear CT1EHI qso-ing on Ten.
And mostly with a big signal by me....

Evenso I did receive stations from Usa and Canada.
But, a pity, those signals did have many fading.
I mean: a short moment very good and then... Cry

The same happens yesterday afternoon!
I heard Jerry, K1GUP, with a good signal talking on 29.002.
I wait.... after his qso and cq: I mention my call
But..... his signal were nearly gone....
So we could not have, as usual, a nice talk.

Hi hi while I did sent Jerry an email..,
I heard him again better, but I came not back on air.
No, I walk to our livingroom to drink a cup of tea.

Hopefull a next time we have a real, nice qso Jerry! Wink

Oh by the way:
Nearly every day in the late afternoon...
I hear Webreceivers Fm from Usa / Canada!
Often strong: 29.620 and 29.640

And I hear: 29.630, 29.660 and 29.680
Those 3 Webreceivers I never heard before!! Huh

My antenna: 2x +/- 33 meters, (nearly) dipole
Connect: with a home-made antenna tuner
Direction: nearly N - S

Good DX, Cheesy

Pe1mph, Henk
Dokkum, The Netherlands

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« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2023, 09:39:08 PM »

Thanks for your reports on 10 meters Henk..  I am always interested in your comments..
   CT1EHI was strong today when I talked with him on 10M AM.    I am in Washington State and I like the frequencies 29.000  and 29.010 to 29.050. for AM contacts...   Steve KL7OF

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #2 on: November 12, 2023, 09:01:21 AM »

Thanks for your reports on 10 meters Henk..  I am always interested in your comments..
   CT1EHI was strong today when I talked with him on 10M AM.    I am in Washington State and I like the frequencies 29.000  and 29.010 to 29.050. for AM contacts...   Steve KL7OF

Hello Steve
First I listen if I can hear the Usa / Canada repeaters on Ten.
When I hear some with a good signal, then...
I monitoring between 29000 to +/- 29060 khz

Now, Sunday afternoon, 15:00 hour by me (winter time).
I hear repeaters: 29640 and 29660, but signals not strong.
It can be I am now to early.... mostly later bigger signals.

So I do it often on my site....
Now I hear no AM, maybe later...



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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #3 on: November 21, 2023, 03:09:41 AM »

10 info:
Yesterday afternoon, by me, I listen to 29640 khz Fm.
Repeater with fair to good signal, evenso on 29620.

Then I know: Ten is open! Grin

I tuned to 29000 khz and heard: cq cq
I wait.... heard again cq!

After saying my call... I heard Rich: K1ETP
But his signal going S 1 - S 6.
So I heard not all words, a pity.
Rich did have the same with my signal and audio.

So we ending our talk (qso). Cry
Hopefull a next time better conditions!



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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #4 on: November 23, 2023, 11:04:21 AM »


This afternoon I heard repeaters on Ten but with weak signals!

But, I listen a little later between 29000 - 29040.
And I heard Joe, WB8KRY calling, on 29010 in AM.
Only him and no others....
His signal between S3 to S8.

Hi, hi I had a talk with him but my audio....
Did falling sometimes away....
Sorry Joe! Cry

While I type this, repeater on 29620 FM has now a good signal.
I heard a PD0 station from Holland.....

Strange conditions on Ten! Roll Eyes


Henk / PE1MPH
Dokkum / The Netherlands

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2023, 04:13:50 AM »

Yesterday afternoon....

Yesterday, Saturday 25 nov., very good conditions on 15 & 10!
I heard AM stations by us in our livingroom on my little XHDATA receiver:

- 21420 CT1EHI, big signal!

- 29010 and 29050 AM from USA, many fading (I missed the calls....)

Marcos, ct1ehi, were loud & clear in our livingroom.
On the little xhdata with telescoop antenna!

Time were around 15:45 hours by me, thats +/- 14:45 GMT time.

I was not on air (qrv), but drinking tea with my wife. Cheesy


Henk / pe1mph

* Tea time.jpg (28.28 KB, 612x612 - viewed 149 times.)

* xhdata in kamer.jpg (85.37 KB, 480x640 - viewed 156 times.)

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2023, 08:03:06 AM »

Hello AM-Lovers,
Yesterday (late) afternoon, Sunday 3 dec, I heard many AM stations on Ten meters.
Unbelievable on many freq. I receive AM stations by me.

I heard AM on:
29000, 29010, 29020, 290225, 29040 and 29050!
But signals going fast Up & Down.
Therefore I missing often the correct call and name. Cry

I made a short recording from an AM station.
The freq. must be 29010 khz, perhaps this man heard himself now...
See below, a little movie is to big.... so only audio on the recording!

My receiver, standing in our living room: Kenwood R-5000
Antenna: 2x +/- 33 meters, connect with (home made) antennatuner to radio. Smiley


Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands

* VIDEO-2023-12-03-15-41-48 Ten.mp3 (3391.84 KB - downloaded 123 times.)
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« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2024, 10:44:50 AM »

Listening on 28.490 USB region yesterday morning and today (now), what a madhouse, Europeans very strong.

73 de Tom WA3KLR  AMI # 77   Amplitude Modulation - a force Now and for the Future!

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« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2024, 10:35:26 AM »

Hi All..Tom most likely what you heard was the gigantic pile-ups for TX5S....I have been posting for quite awhile on both 10 & 15mtrs about AM activity but not lately..mostly due to the fact it is open every day so I assume all AMers are aware..openings range from 1300 UTC to well over 1600 UTC for Europa DX to past 1800 UTC for right here in the USA..add another hour to that for 15mtrs wrinkle ?? on 10mtrs AM quite a few FMers have been heard even between 29.000 to the "bigger" contests you'll surely hear SSB up there happens on 15mtrs (21.400 to 21.450) the SSB but no FM..
                            GUD LUK to all..hope to hear ya !!     73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"
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« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2024, 12:23:05 PM »

Yep, the Clipperton Island DXpedition. I was listening to the LIDs calling back on the transmit frequency despite the statement of "listening up 5 to 15, and the frequency police comments in many languages was entertaining. This is the first I have a radio with a panadapter - watching the Clipperton guy standby and see the grass rise up for 20 kHz bandwidth above.

73 de Tom WA3KLR  AMI # 77   Amplitude Modulation - a force Now and for the Future!

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2024, 06:37:23 AM »

Yesterday, febr 3,
Loud & clear, mostly: WB8KRY!

On 29.020 ofcourse in AM.

My Receiver: Kenwood R 5000
Antenna: dipole, 2x +/- 33 mtrs
Connect with home made ant tuner to radio.

For PD2LFB was yesterday a great moment...!!!
He heard for the first time an AM station on Ten.
We have both the same qth.
He lives a few streets away from me.

We heard both more stations in AM.
Between 29.000 - 29.050, but often we could both...
Not copy correct the calls (and names).
In the late afternoon and early evening by us.

And this (this Sunday) afternoon: WT1H
On 29.010 in AM loud & clear, with fading.👍


Henk / pe1mph

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #11 on: February 09, 2024, 06:13:58 AM »

Hello AM Lovers,
Yesterday afternoon I heard 2 stations talking on 29.020.
Sorry I could not copy (and note) calls or names....
If you want listen to little recording I made.

We got visitors, so more people 'talking' in our livingroom....
So radio goes off....

Perhaps this man recognizes his own sound or another recognize it Grin


Henk / pe1mph

* 8 februari 2024.mp3 (234.63 KB - downloaded 65 times.)

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« Reply #12 on: February 15, 2024, 10:53:30 AM »

Made my first ever AM contact on 10m this morning 29.020 with MI0AIH . Will be listening 73s Gil K3GTS

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2024, 09:39:11 AM »

Hello AM-Lovers,
Nearly every day I hear an AM station on Ten! Cheesy
It looks like normale...

Sunday afternoon on 29.090: VE3OWV
Time +/- 16.45 hour by me (14.45 GMT).
Good signal, with some fading.

I made a recording (movie) by mobile phone.
And I did sent it to Nick, this he sent back by mail:

Thanks Henk - much appreciated!

73, Nick VE3OWV

Thank you Nick! Wink


Henk / Pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2024, 10:38:28 AM »

Hello AM Lovers,
This afternoon I were sitting and listening in my little studio.
I heard Nick talking on 29.000 in AM.
I wait.... and I heard him stopping talking (qso).

Short I did say my call, time by me +/- 16.15 hour in the afternoon.
Hi, hi.. Nick heard me: VE3OWV
Oh great to speak in AM on Ten meters....
I heard only Nick talking... hi, hi...
His signal were between S3 to S9+20 and nice audio!

I used my old Kenwood TS-50, only 20 Watts.
My antenna is 2x +/- 32 meters wire (dipole).

Nick thanks for the nice talk! Wink


Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands
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