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Author Topic: AF4K Crystals needs old FT-243 and HC-6/U crystals for rebuilding  (Read 1267 times)
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« on: May 02, 2023, 11:59:10 AM »

Thank you to everyone who has supported the new AF4K Crystals.  I really enjoying supplying FT-243 and HC-6/U crystals to vintage and homebrew enthusiasts.  It is especially fun to help people new to the world of vintage technology.  One problem:  I am concerned that I am going to soon run out of old crystals on oddball frequencies that I can rebuild onto useful frequencies.

If you have some old FT-243 or HC-6/U crystals that you can spare, please consider my need.   If you don't have a plan to use those crystals, let me use them to equip those who need crystals in vintage holders. 

If you are going to be at the Dayton/Xenia Hamvention, bring your crystals along.  I'll be in fleamarket space 8997, right under the tree next to the grandstand.

Otherwise ship them to Steve Johnston, 2309 Tulare St, Fitchburg WI 53711.  I'll be glad to reimburse you for shipping.

Think of it as "crystal recycling".  The best kind of recycling is repair and re-use, after all!

73   Steve  WD8DAS
Radio is your best entertainment value.

Patrick J. / KD5OEI
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« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2023, 01:08:49 AM »

I think you have good timing to ask for these. I am just almost done with an extremely parts-heavy ham estate, and the gentleman was never shy about picking up cooke tins/boxes/jars of crystals no matter the frequency.

It will take some time to round all of them up because of my present work, but I pledge the ones I will not likely use to your care, once they are all together.

I may also donate perfectly good crystals in the CW portions of bands, since I do not use CW. Would the 'CW' crystals be cleaned/refurbished when possible so they could be enjoyed as intended? It would have mattered to the Silent Key, I assure you he was a master.

I like you crystal holder page at

best regards,

Radio Candelstein
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