I have a HQ-120 receiver I have had for a good number of years, that I re-capped and was my favorite listening receiver. One morning after listening a number of hours the fuse popped, and it was dead. From checking, it looks that one side of the HV has shorted out. I have a copy manual, and have searched online, but not finding the full exact specs for a replacement transformer. Hammond has a few that sound close, however before buying the wrong one wanted to see if someone had information on the transformer, or had replaced their transformer that could provide as to which one they installed.
James WS4JH
From the schematic here is my guestimate on the transformer specs:
Primary - 115V
Secondary 1 - 500Vac CT, 250mA
Secondary 2 - 5Vac, 2A
secondary 3 - 6.3Vac, 5 to 6A