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Author Topic: AM report from Texas, fairly new to AM  (Read 5237 times)
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« on: February 01, 2023, 03:09:16 PM »

Hi everyone,

I'm Jeff, KF5KWO, in Helotes, TX (EL09), just NW of San Antonio. I've started dabbling in AM, and of course the best place to dabble in anything right now seems like 10m. :-) Plus, the weather right now in San Antonio has schools and work closed, so I'm having more time than usual on the air. I've been a ham since the 90s, and I'm usually doing digital modes as well as phone and digital contests. I've got a TS-570S, and my choice of antennas: a 10m Moxon, an MFJ-1786 mag loop (30/20/12m), and a 40m 1/4-wave wire vertical (40/17/15m). All are stealth or concealed. Not sure if the TS-570 is a "good" radio for AM work or not.

I've got two AM QSOs to report from yesterday, 31 Jan 2023.

31 Jan, N9AMI, 10m, 29.03
31 Jan, WA2IXP, 10m, 29.03
***just now, 01 Feb, AL7RT, 10m, 29.000 in MT is booming into Texas.

N9AMI dropped out completely on me after a few exchanges, then IXP came up with him and the same thing happened to him, so I called IXP and we had a quick chat.

I'll be keeping an eye open here for more AM operating know-how.

73 de Jeff, KF5KWO
Todd, KA1KAQ

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« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2023, 04:47:54 PM »

Thanks for the report, Jeff.

First, let me say welcome aboard. AMfone is a great resource for all things AM and has the best bunch of folks you will ever come across. From knowledgeable engineers to experienced tech types, to fun-loving hell raisers.

Second - whatever radio you have that works on AM is a good AM radio. It gets you on and active, which I'm sure pleases you and also promotes the mode at the same time with increased activity. You get to decide what you want to do with it and how far you want to go. State-of-the-art SDR or Yaecomwood rig, Class D or E homebrew, or a classic plate-modulated tube station using old commercial gear, a retired broadcast transmitter, or roll your own.

Hope to work you on the air sometime, and 'hear' from you on the site from time to time.

~ Todd/KAQ

known as The Voice of Vermont in a previous life

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« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2023, 05:28:15 PM »

Thanks, Todd!
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« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2023, 02:36:13 PM »

Hey Jeff!

As Todd said, welcome aboard.
Checkout the low bands this weekend. The AM Rally will be in full swing and you'll probably hear many new ops and definately quite a few ol' timers!

Buddly WD8BIL
Stow, Ohio

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« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2023, 11:10:01 AM »

I hear the beacons on 10 meters from Texas a lot so I know the band is open. I have been listening off and on on 29.0. I will start tuning a bit above that. Right now I am hearing a G on 29.02.
Hope to hear you soon.
from Virginia,
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