Hallo AM Lovers,This afternoon I listen during a long time to Ten meters.
I was wondering about the signals from the Webreceivers!
New York on 29.620 big signal
? on 29.640 good signal
? on 29.670 weak to fair signal
But first I heard NO AM

Later, around 16:35 hour by me, I heard AM on: 29.010, 29.015 and 29.025!
I heard Jerry on 29.010 talking, but with who?
I wait because his signal were not so strong and sometimes complete gone...
But later I had a short talk on 29.010 in AM with
While I type this I hear him talking with another station, but who?
A pity conditions are not very good....
Now Jerry is complete away.....
Hi, hi..... now I hear him again with PA4???
But sorry Jerry his signal is nearly gone....
Thanks for the qso Jerry!!!
Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands