Can unused socket terminals 2 and 6 be safely used as tie-points?
Specifically, socket pin 2 would be handy for connecting a bypass cap and RFC on the screen circuit as shown.
Bonus screen question: I have notes regarding the screen circuit bypass caps. One note says .001 6kv, and another note referenced to K1JJ's 'Hollywood' rig - to use 500pF here. Is 6kv really needed? I can more easily find 3kv ceramic discs.
Steve KK7UV
If the pins do not connect to any elements inside the tube, then yes they can be used as tie points. Octal Tube power supplies have done this for years. I do it on my 813 screen modulated transmitter with no problems.
3kV to 3.5kV caps on the screen bypass is sufficient.
Phil - AC0OB