Hello AM Lovers,Hi, hi.....
Some days ago I had a nice talk with him: Tim,
WA1HLRBut thats happening on 15 meters.
This evening I heard him again, but on Ten!
A little lower than 29000 khz (+/- 28996) in AM (ofcourse).
I could hear only him (max. S7), not the other station.
I tried sometimes to break in, with: Hello Tim
But no luck this evening...
Then I heard the 'phone ringing' by Tim on the background.
No readers I did not phone him.... hi, hi....
Tim does n't get the phone direct, he talks and talks.... hi, hi...
I think he or his wife takes the telephone...
Later his signal were very weak...
And around 18:00 GMT time (by me 20:00 hour in the evening)....
I could not hear Tim anymore....
Perhaps the conditions were gone!
Strange I heard only Tim on Ten today.
I listen to Ten, because on 15 a Contest
Hopefull till a next time on Ten (Tim),
PE1MPH - Henk
Dokkum - The Netherlands