Hi Brad...
Its a complete transmitter .... just plugin the AC mains ... antenna ... receiver with different muting methods .... Cro and unbalanced and balanced low level audio inputs....
Also a 12VDC output as well...
Uploaded the rear panel etc:
The little module on the left front is a switching regulator that has a variable output control from zero through to max power.
Has error amplifiers that the overcurrent and SWR protection go to..
The rear left is the PWM ( modulator ) and the right side is the TX module....
Added two 24VDC fans behind the PWM using the 12 volt supply so you cannot hear them just to keep all good during the hot summertime ...
I prefer using H Bridge TX modules but even with this VMCD TX you could connect any good or bad processor without blowing it up....
The SWR protection is a shutdown type.....
In time will change it to a rollback method ..... couldn't get it to work that way but will experiment. At the end of the day probably will figger it out I suppose ....

Thats about it....
Ohhh I'm missing a screw on the left middle .... better fix that up
