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Author Topic: Let's try 17-meters AM ...  (Read 48198 times)
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« on: October 04, 2021, 04:03:45 PM »

Greetings from Oregon ..

A few signals on 15-meters have percolated to the surface but 17-meters appears to be more open and primed for good ole Amplitude Modulation.
I say this with some trepidation .. knowing there just might be a few dissenters amongst the crowd over there. However, as the TRON once told me in our discussions about 17-meter AM dissent ...

Well, I had better leave it at that!

Looks like 18.115 to 18.125 MHz might work well as I have seen little activity down there and most signals tend to favor the other end of the band.

Give a listen ... I'll keep the bandwidth throttled at 8 kHz, whereas I have been enjoying 16 kHz splendor on 15-meters.

W7NGA - Daniel, Seaside Oregon

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« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2022, 12:35:35 PM »

Had a nice conversation on 15-meters .. with a diehard 17-meter SSB operator who told me I would be tarred and feathered if I ever showed up on 17-meters with an AM signal.

Think I had better stick to 15 and 10 ...  Grin


Pete, WA2CWA

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« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2022, 01:10:59 PM »

What's the point or gain of operating AM on 17 meters unless it's to be somewhat irritating to those operating in that small slice of spectrum. Plus, lots of boatanchor transmitters don't cover 17 meters. We have lots of activity on 20 and 15 meters and definitely more room.

Pete, WA2CWA - "A Cluttered Desk is a Sign of Genius"

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« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2022, 03:29:33 PM »

My definition of amateur radio is apparently different than yours, and perhaps my view of our world is different as well.

In my world, the slice of acceptance on 20 meters (and 15 meters) is rather slim and unwelcomed for the most part. Thank goodness for the upper 30 kHz of 15 meters.

CONTESTS ... where the WARC spectrum offers an alternative to the weekend insanity and inanities.

Throttle back to 3khz and you are only twice as wide as most SSB signals, and when the band is void of activity you should be able to exercise good judgment and operate without the threat of tar, feathers, and colorful vulgarity aimed at self and family.  

We're not all running DX100's and Valiants by the way.

And finally, it should be slightly obvious to anyone listening to our spectrum, that most times 15-meters is dead, 10-meters is silent, 20-meters a zoo, and 17-meters is hopping.

Just my views ...
Pete, WA2CWA

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« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2022, 04:13:27 PM »

My definition of amateur radio is apparently different than yours, and perhaps my view of our world is different as well.

In my world, the slice of acceptance on 20 meters (and 15 meters) is rather slim and unwelcomed for the most part. Thank goodness for the upper 30 kHz of 15 meters.

CONTESTS ... where the WARC spectrum offers an alternative to the weekend insanity and inanities.

Throttle back to 3khz and you are only twice as wide as most SSB signals, and when the band is void of activity you should be able to exercise good judgment and operate without the threat of tar, feathers, and colorful vulgarity aimed at self and family.  

We're not all running DX100's and Valiants by the way.

And finally, it should be slightly obvious to anyone listening to our spectrum, that most times 15-meters is dead, 10-meters is silent, 20-meters a zoo, and 17-meters is hopping.

Just my views ...
Strange World.

If you throttle back to some lower bandwidth, what's the point of operating an AM station to sound like enhanced telephone audio.

Some of my best AM DX contacts have been around 14.330 MHz, the upper part of 15M (anywhere from 21.410 MHz to 21.440 MHZ) and when propagation allows, anywhere from 29.0 MHz to 29.1 MHz (excluding Russian taxicab drivers).
I have never had anyone on any of those bands P&M to me about my AM signal or operating on some frequency.

As far as band activity, at roughly 30 minutes ago, 10 and 15 meters were loaded with more activity then 17 meters. See the screen captures below.

* 10M-2022Apr06-3-45PM-EDT.jpg (183.76 KB, 1027x922 - viewed 466 times.)

* 15M-2022Apr06-3-45PM-EDT.jpg (190.02 KB, 1030x897 - viewed 458 times.)

* 17M-2022-Apr06-3-50PM-EDT.jpg (181.95 KB, 1041x904 - viewed 465 times.)

Pete, WA2CWA - "A Cluttered Desk is a Sign of Genius"

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« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2022, 04:31:27 PM »

FT8 is always hopping ...
Patrick J. / KD5OEI
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« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2022, 01:09:54 AM »

I have no opinion on 17M AM. I run kind of narrow +/-3KHz most of the time anyway, and add some pre-emphasis. I don't get good reception from the OP's direction though. darn dipoles..

Radio Candelstein
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