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Author Topic: 15mtrs has come alive!!  (Read 45097 times)
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« Reply #25 on: December 15, 2021, 11:11:22 AM »

Hi All..well the 15mtr band has been sorta down for over 4 weeks now..however today with higher numbers it's starting to perk..heard and worked John G3YPZ at 1510 UTC..gud QSO..he was working K3XR previous..after that heard Doug WB5IRI calling CQ so off we went..great signal on Doug mostly S9+..did hear also W4WCD with a 30 over signal give his callsign and that was that..?..lots of S1 to 2 signals but not enuf to copy an aside from this up above the end of the phone band there's a new to me SW station at 21.470..BBC world 40 over for an hour..1400 to 1500 ya know there are several stations there up to 21.600 from various parts of the globe.....over and out from New England  gud luk !! 73 de DAVE WB1EAD
PS: yakked ystdy with Rick VE6CQ on 15 SSB..he is chomping at the bit to get back to AM on 15mtrs

AMer livin in "Moose Country"

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #26 on: December 18, 2021, 02:24:44 PM »

Yes 15 meters often open!
But mostly I can hear the stations in AM not strong.
Like today, this afternoon by me!
I heard a station from the USA on 21420 khz.
But I hear only a few words and then his signal were gone...

Such effect I have often last days on 15 meters.
Then I am 100% sure there is a station....

But I keep my Žeyes and ears' around 21420 khz..... hi, hi... Grin


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« Reply #27 on: December 20, 2021, 10:29:21 AM »

I just worked G3YPZ on AM on 21.420. 59 both ways!

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« Reply #28 on: December 22, 2021, 01:30:36 PM »

Hi All..well here's todays run down..FWIW ystdy was also very I got on late but at 1611 UTC worked Glen G8NOF who was yakking with Michelle VE2XK..after that Glen was called by neighbor Timtron WA1HLR..I drifted off to 21.410 and worked John G3YPZ for quite a long time..John has without doubt the ability to hear "a pin drop"..I've always believed in the saying "if ya can't hear 'em ya can't work 'em"..left the rig for a bit came back at 1720 UTC to pick up Kevin N0BQV for a ragchew..great signal from him without an amp to boot..just after W4GUZ Brandon was there with his flex setup and amp..very nice !..followed by ol' buddy Tom W0TDH with the 7300 and amp and yagi pointed NE..Tom left after at least a half hour QSO to try his luk on 10mtrs..BTW 10mtrs at least in the usual SSB portion seemed very much open..
                 With the flux number well above 100 15mtrs for now is the place to be..all of the above was going on between 1400 to well past 1800 UTC..probably still happening as I type..?..MERRY CHRISTMAS/HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL...!!!
                                                 73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"

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« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2022, 10:40:59 AM »

Hi All..been awhile since I've done any postings..the 15mtr band took a minor nosedive there for a week or back up and working well..G3YPZ  WA5GTK  WB5IRI  CT1EHI as well as many others either worked or hoid up here in the frigid NE..most signals seem to peak between 1400 to 1500 UTC..there's a "new" oddity that came on a couple weeks back very near to our phone band top edge..big big signal..BBC worldwide service at 21.470 on AM beaming I think to Somalia..might originate on Cyprus..they're using tubes with handles at 30 to 40 over hereabouts..very clean audio too...
                   OK dat's it from Moose country...gud luk  !!  73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"
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« Reply #30 on: January 15, 2022, 03:04:25 PM »

Just got an email yesterday from WA1HLR and he said he's been active on 21.420- 21.440 during the day of late. I never had much luck on the band only
because I never put the time in. I was too busy being a DX star on 17 meters:)

The secrecy of my job prevents me from knowing what I am doing.

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« Reply #31 on: January 23, 2022, 12:02:46 PM »

Hello all..for the last week there has not been much of an "uplift" on this band AM wise..some SSB just below centered on 21.300..however the last couple days there has been an started off working Howarth GW3TMP on 21.410..went to .420 and caught John G3YPZ calling CQ..had a nice l-o-n-g chat with him..left came back an hour later and worked him again..this time when we ended he was called by Timtron W2PFY ur right on..Tim was there..the SW station BBC was also there at 21.470 at a whopping 50 over..left John about 30 mins ago so it should still be gud...gud luk !
                                              73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"
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« Reply #32 on: January 24, 2022, 05:19:39 PM »

What are you using for an ant Dave? I just got a ready made NOS trapped dipole that is about 30 years old but new in the box.I don't usually buy antennas but this one will fit the back yard and just maybe, hold your breath, I may get it up and hook my AF-67 to it??

He has one left and I'll put the link on here so you can let me know what you think of it?

Glad to hear Tim wuz in there!

The secrecy of my job prevents me from knowing what I am doing.

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« Reply #33 on: January 25, 2022, 11:39:30 AM »

Hi Terry..the ant here is a TA-33..Mosely..I've been thru quite a lot of designs..from monobands to real wire types looks like a gud design on the one you recently purchased..damn decent price too..the minute I saw the W9INN call I knew it had to be a gud one.....I was not on today for long..the band looked kinda down..only big one was that BBC SW station..did QSO with ES5TTT on SSB earlier..I also hoid Howarth GW3TMP on 21.400 SSB yakking with Tom W0TDH..IMHO AMing was a bust today..oh for sure put that Multi Elmac on..I'm dragging my feet getting the DX-40/VF-1/NC-125 with the EFJ 250-39 TR switch up and connected..right now because of iffy band conditions it's a lot easier using the Kenwoods..
                          Gud luk Terry..maybe work ya someday  73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"
Two shots of Whisky
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« Reply #34 on: March 21, 2022, 07:41:06 AM »

Band was open this weekend. Made an AM QSO to the west coast from Midwest. 150W carrier on my Drake L4B.

Due to lack of others to talk with, went to the dark side and had a QSO with an OM from Belgium. That was with 500W of power.

Antenna was an 80/40/20 fan dipole 40ft in the air that gets 3:1 SWR on the 15M band.


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« Reply #35 on: March 29, 2022, 01:58:20 PM »

Hi All..I know not much has been posted by myself but it isn't because no activity here..on the contrary plenty to go was a pleasant surprise as Glen G8NOF was there at 21.440..sig was well above S9..terrific audio from him..also heard Doug earlier..most every day you will find GW3TMP with W0TDH up around 21.400 on SSB but they usually take time to go AM..a week ago I actually heard Henk PE1MPH but he was too busy to break..that's just a snippet of what I hear every day..all that I report on is between 1300 to 1600 UTC for DX..later brings the left coast...enjoy  73 de DAVE WB1EAD

AMer livin in "Moose Country"
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