Hello AM Lovers,Just I heard on 21420
K1KW with a good signal.
Signal between S0 to S7, nice audio.
I heard him talking to Martin PE1BIW.

Later I tried by no reaction....

Perhaps I hear more stations this afternoon on 15 mtrs!
Hi, hi....
Just a talk with Jerry:
K1GUP on 21420 in AM.
Signal between S1 to S5, and I hear only him...
I used only 10 Watt carrier in AM.
Antenne dipole
I listen evenso with another receiver, connect with 80 meter antenna (inverted V).
Hi, hi... when I hear Jerry good on my old Yeasu 901 DM....
I hear him weak on the other receiver, but...
A little later I hear him stronger on the other receiver!
Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands