Hello AM Lovers,Yesterday evening I want to go to sleep, but first I listen to 80 mtrs.
First I could not believe....
Do I hear it good or am I still dreaming....

No I were not dreaming, I heard AM on 3885 khz!
Yes I heard Steve:
WA1QIX loud and clear.
He gives CQ and I made a little recording with my mobile phone (see below).
Nobody returning for Steve, but on 3872 I heard evenso AM.
But poor to fair signals, but I go to sleep...
This morning I awake early and listen again.
No big signals on 3885, but I heard Don K4 talking.
I heard only him, so no other stations between 3870 - 3885 khz.
Evenso the BC stations from the USA were weak.
For example Bloomberg on 1130 khz did not have a big signal...
Later, after my breakfast, I walk to my studio.
I heard weak to fair signals on 3550 khz from France AM stations.
So I thought.... I want to give CQ on 3615 khz, the UK AM freq.
And after my CQ I heard 2E0IBN (Less) with a good signal and nice audio.
Later I worked: M1PVC (Paul), G4EJM (Mike) and PA3OH (Trevor) on 3615 khz.
I can tell you the signals were strong, special from Mike (S9 +15!)
I made a some little recordings and put them below....
Oh by the way.
Is on Facebook an 'AM Group' like this forum?
So I can put direct info, when I hear an AM station in our livingroom.
Oke thats all for this (AM) morning,
Henk / pe1mph
Dokkum / The Netherlands