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Author Topic: It's an annual thing  (Read 31828 times)
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« on: June 15, 2019, 10:52:10 AM »

It's (almost) summertime and 6m is easy.

Lot's 'o SSB and FT8 but no AM on 50.400 Mc.



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« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2019, 03:14:27 PM »

Don't make me drag out the old Clegg 99'er, Kevin. It would only make you sadder. Sad


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« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2019, 05:09:53 PM »

The heartbreak of six?

1 contact on 6m AM in the last 3years.


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« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2019, 05:28:24 PM »

Alright, alright. I'll setup the Clegg tonight after dinner. Google maps says we're 128 miles apart so, I dunno... maybe.

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« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2019, 06:25:26 PM »

Probably won't make it..... were too close for skip, to far for ground wave...... 

I'll park the icom on .400 for a while.


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« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2019, 07:50:45 PM »

Well, after sitting for 20+ years, the Clegg 99'er still works. I had to make-up a power cord and I only have a xtal for 50.240. I can find 50.4 on the receiver by generating a harmonic of 25.2 with my HF rig. I'm getting all of 6 watts out with a 3:1 vswr into a 6M vertical. I still need to wire-up a mic and search through my xtals. I think I used to have one for 50.4. Meanwhile, I'll keep a watch on 50.4 +/- drift and see if anything exciting happens. Ya never know.


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« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2019, 02:53:00 AM »

I've got 6M stuff, but it's all military or commercial and FM.
RT246 and RT524 transceivers, 35W
One Link 250W base station.

Modulating beasties like those is one thing, but it is quite another to receive AM on any of it.

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« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2019, 12:38:53 PM »


Alrighty then. The Clegg 99'er is sitting on the shelf hissing away at me on 50.4. Man, that thing needs a squelch! I have it out of its cabinet with a fan blowing on it. That's the only way I can keep it from endlessly drifting around. So, you've succeeded in getting another 6M AM station on the air. Even if we can't connect, maybe you'll feel a little less lonely knowing someone else is on 6M AM not making contacts either. I think the last contact I made with this rig was with Eric, WB2CAU and that was about 35 years ago.

Now, if we want to actually make contacts on 6M AM there is a way... but it ain't easy. However, we're in the right place to start. As I write this, this thread has had over 100 views. That's over 100 possible contacts on 6M AM from people who show, at least, some interest.

What we need is an operating schedule. How about High Noon (Eastern) each Saturday and Sunday. If everyone bellowed out a CQ on 6M AM at those times it might just get to become a "thing". There are enough old 6M AM rigs sitting in closets to make this work. If a few stations hook up locally they may get heard by others during a band opening. What do they say, 6M is always open... to somewhere. The problem has always been somewhen. When is now Noon on weekends. If I can't find a xtal for 50.4 I'll be on 50.240.

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« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2019, 06:06:44 PM »

I think the last contact I made with this rig was with Eric, WB2CAU and that was about 35 years ago.

I'm going to bring my Gonset G-50 back from the camp next week Don, so if you can wait about 7-10 days, I'll call you from Menands! Do you have a QSL card? I don't...........

Seriously, I am going to bring it down as the camp only has sheep and horses near by and they don't have radios??

It is a very nice clean G-50 with all the original Gonset labeled tubes in it. I guess a little old lady owned it?


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« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2019, 07:56:34 PM »


Awesome! Waterford to Menands is only 8 miles straight down the river. I'm using a Comet GP-15 vertical antenna. Similar polarization on your end would help. Let me know when you're set up. You can PM me here on AMfone. We'll make a sched.

I haven't had a QSL card for many years. Do people still do that???


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« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2019, 08:35:14 PM »

Well, at least there's interest.

FWIW, Up here in Sorryexcuse there is a local repeater that gets used. She's the old channel 3 tower, around 800+ feet.

KD2SL   6m Repeater – Output: 53.67 MHz, PL 103.5 – Input: 52.67 MHz, PL 103.5

The noon time on weekends may work; the old smAlbunny group met at 7 PM which may make things easier fer family responsibilities.


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« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2019, 09:20:08 PM »


I don't have FM on 6M, so repeaters are not going to happen for me. I got the mic hooked up to the Clegg tonight so I can make a 2-way on 50.240. I need to find my big-box-'o-xtals. I can't remember where it is.

Listening in on 50.4 this evening I heard some AM come in sporadically... a few seconds here and there. Not strong enough to copy, but it was defiantly there.

As far as having a maintained group, 7PM might be better. I was trying to come up with a common time for random contacts... calling out into the darkness. Noon on weekends is easy to remember and most people are home then. We should be so lucky that actual groups form.

I'm optimistic about making contact with Terry. Should be a cake walk at 8 miles.


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« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2019, 01:44:08 PM »

Noon on weekends is easy to remember and most people are home then.

Maybe in the winter time? In the summer people want to be outside or at their camps etc.

Perhaps we could ask high mucky mucks on The Lonely Guys Net to announce it on days that we would want to experiment? That net in the winter time can go as late as 11:30 AM. I realize that people are quite far apart on that net but it doesn't have to be about one location?  Beat the drums, sound the horns, set off a hydrogen bomb, anything to get attention!

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« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2019, 12:27:11 PM »

I regularly monitor  (with squelch) 50.4 especially this time of year. I will beam southwesterly and see what comes in, when I can. There are cw beacons around 50.060-.080 more or less to check propagation too. There isn't one in my area though. I think the nearest one is on Long Island.  I  am in East Hartford. Wednesday nights come alive in CT on 50.4, see other posts here.
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« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2019, 01:27:32 PM »

six is open to TN area from RI  since about 15:00UTC. worked some CW and SSB. Gave some CQs on 50.400 but nothing there. On K3FEF WebSDR #2 I heard AM on 50.500 and 51.560

73 Kevin KD1NW

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« Reply #15 on: June 21, 2019, 06:42:06 PM »

I still can't find my Big Box o' Crystals. However, I can drive the xtal input of the Clegg 99'er with 25.200 Mhz from my TS-940 (set on "zero" power output and through a 10dB pad) and get a 5 watts out of the Clegg at 50.400 Mhz. A two switch operation, but it works. I have no idea how the audio sounds, so I'll have to wing it.

With Field Day occurring this weekend, it's a good time to give this lash-up a try.
 I'll be listening/calling on 50.4 this weekend, as time permits, from beautiful downtown Waterford, NY (the garden spot of FN32).


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« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2019, 10:43:38 AM »

I've recently begun moving the shack after the arrival of a little one which has kept me off of voice for a while.  I've been trying to monitor 50.4 out here on Long Island NY but haven't heard much activity.  Moving all the gear to the garage so now I can keep an ear out while doing "yard work"
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« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2019, 02:15:13 PM »

Maybe in the winter time? In the summer people want to be outside or at their camps etc.

Hilltopping on 6 used to be a thing. Maybe it can make a summertime comeback. Maybe encourage the SOTA troops to squawk a bit on 6?

KLC, was I that one AM contact?


73 de Kevin, WB2EMS

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« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2019, 02:21:15 PM »

Hilltopping on 6 used to be a thing. Maybe it can make a summertime comeback. Maybe encourage the SOTA troops to squawk a bit on 6?

Hmmmmm,  I should attempt that.  I do have an 6 meter capabilities in the truck.  The audio will probably sound like junk on AM but might be worth a shot.
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« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2019, 03:38:50 PM »


You be the man.

I promise to put up a higher dipole pointed in yer direction.....

I was working on the 10/6 m diperpole last night and only got a few sketer bites......
I can hit the kd2sl rpter with the Icom pwr out set to "zero".....


I was on 50.400 for a little while last Sat afternoon at  Grafton Park.   Troy ARA had our Field Day site among the pines...... nothing heard.



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« Reply #20 on: June 25, 2019, 06:01:45 PM »


I was on 50.400 for a little while last Sat afternoon at  Grafton Park.   Troy ARA had our Field Day site among the pines...... nothing heard.

Dang! Had I only known.
Musta been nicer than Frear Park. Wink


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« Reply #21 on: June 25, 2019, 06:16:47 PM »

Quieter at night..... and the bathroom had paper.


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« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2019, 04:17:05 PM »

I wish I had known. We were sitting on a boat in the canal with an icom 706 and an AH4 tuner. I could have gotten on six meters and would have been semi-local. (boat currently stuck in Baldwinsville at lock 24, when I go back up to rescue it I may get on the repeater and then on 50.4. Been doing 60 meters off it with the morning gang on channel 1)

I think I will try some 6 meter hilltopping this summer. I remember reading a QST and later handbook article about a 6 meter hilltopper. I think it used an AM radio as an IF strip with a downconverter ahead of it and a couple of watt AM transmitter. There was a picture of a YL with it in her lap up on a rock someplace. Dark curly hair as I recall and sunglasses. One of my local buddies, WA2EES used to hilltop from Connecticut hill, which is probably where I'll try from it's 2200' and sticks up around everything else here, and had good results back in the day. Could become a Sub SOTA specialty. :-)


73 de Kevin, WB2EMS
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