Dave and Clark
Thanks for your comments.
I will check what the filament voltage is for 115VAC in.
R18 being 18K? R18 is supposed to be 20K. Do you mean R3? I replaced that with a 10W 20K resistor under the chassis.
I always replace R3 with the correct value as well as locating the resistor in the original location.
A contributing factor with the drifting may be that the VFO compartment never comes up to the temperature that the ckt was designed and compensated for.
With R3 outside the compartment....might be too cool in there...so it takes much longer to settle down if ever.
I know that guys install R3 below the chassis but.......
Probably have to test it to see if there is an impact on the drift.
Also as someone else said....replace the 6CL6 and the VR tube inside.
If your VFO box is missing the vertical phenolic bandspread variable extensions (5) you can get 5/16" plastic caps and snap into the holes to keep the heat in.
I always remove those damn things because the clip thing that fits onto the variable falls off.
To adjust the band spread I remove one cap at a time and stick a RF sniffer in the hole and get the freq right on.
This saves taking that VFO apart to try to get those clips back on....that's a real hassle.