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Author Topic: 7160 KC Texas and 5-state area SAT SUN  (Read 18314 times)
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Patrick J. / KD5OEI
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« on: May 23, 2016, 08:44:59 PM »

Every Sunday I listen on 7160 in hopes of some AM between maybe 10 AM to >3PM, I lately hear no stations. Has the interest waned on the usual SAT/SUN chitchat? Maybe my receiver is out of order.

I apologize for not being on the air, and indeed sometimes the transmitter is hot and ready, and I would speak up if I heard a station, but I have to work on these projects so am unlikely to start something just briefly participate.

Radio Candelstein

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« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2016, 05:51:07 AM »

The band has been in the toilet the past few weeks, but there were several stations on this past Saturday and Sunday.


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« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2016, 07:15:37 AM »

   My suggestion Pat is to put out a call or CQ every 30 minutes or so when you are in the shack. If there is no answer, work on the RAT rig for a while, and then make another call or CQ.

   I have been busy with work stuff, and I am rebuilding a deck in the back yard. Those items have kept the Gonset filaments off.

Todd, KA1KAQ

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« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2016, 09:33:24 AM »

And with the onset of summer and better weather, things tend to drop off a bit overall. After a flurry of activity a month or so back I've gotten busy myself and haven't been able to get on the air. Now that the rain has finally stopped for a few days I'm hoping to catch up on mowing before the weekend, which might leave some time to hop on. Will see if I can hear you guys here in NC at that time of day.

There used to be a group on 7160 regularly at night, but it's been a few years since there was much nighttime activity beyond 7290-95.

known as The Voice of Vermont in a previous life

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2016, 01:14:32 PM »

And with the onset of summer and better weather, things tend to drop off a bit overall. After a flurry of activity a month or so back I've gotten busy myself and haven't been able to get on the air. Now that the rain has finally stopped for a few days I'm hoping to catch up on mowing before the weekend, which might leave some time to hop on. Will see if I can hear you guys here in NC at that time of day.

There used to be a group on 7160 regularly at night, but it's been a few years since there was much nighttime activity beyond 7290-95.

On 7160 khz that a nice freq. for us!
I have no idea if there AM-activity is during the week?
And on which time (by me)?

The freq. around 7290/7295 is often not free in Europa.

The AM Lovers in France are using evenso 7160 khz.
Mostly in the weekends, daytime!, after +/- 17.00 hours (3.00 pm GMT time).


Henk, pe1mph
Dokkum, The Netherlands
Patrick J. / KD5OEI
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« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2016, 07:24:33 PM »

I don't know about during the week. For me it's only a window from about 11AM to 3PM US Central time, SAT-SUN.

Radio Candelstein

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2016, 09:53:51 AM »

I don't know about during the week. For me it's only a window from about 11AM to 3PM US Central time, SAT-SUN.

I have the freq. 7160 khz in Memory Kenwood receiver.

And I shall monitor this freq. more in the future! Cheesy


Henk, pe1mph
Dokkum, The Netherlands

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« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2016, 02:11:58 PM »

Actually I have had the same thoughts lately: where is everybody?
I then realize I am one of the culprits...way too busy and when I do listen the band is dead...just like a lot of the folks used to talk to. I know this sounds pretty dark.
I need a serious AM fix. no static, no pissweakers, and no bloviating about processor adjustments and SDR processing....just smokin' triodes and tetrodes

Skip, K7yoo

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« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2016, 07:18:59 PM »

Actually I have had the same thoughts lately: where is everybody?
I then realize I am one of the culprits...way too busy and when I do listen the band is dead...just like a lot of the folks used to talk to. I know this sounds pretty dark.
I need a serious AM fix. no static, no pissweakers, and no bloviating about processor adjustments and SDR processing....just smokin' triodes and tetrodes

Skip, K7yoo
Skip....I have a tetrode on 40 meters...trouble is I can't seem to stay up past 8 PM pacific....I have been able to get on 7280-7295 AM about 2 or three afternoons a week......Be great to work you...I will try making some noise on 7160 when I can........Over...

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« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2016, 08:01:21 PM »

It is good to hear from you Steve. I will be back in WA on the 3rd. Hopefully we can catch you on the air from Blaine. I will see if the filaments will still light up on the 32V. In the meantime I will get Winona back on the air. Back in the 80's 7160 was the preferred AM spot, many of us were using surplus TV colorburst xtals that doubled to that vicinity.
I flunked retirement and started a business. how nuts is that?

Henk: what are the popular vintage AM rigs on your side of the pond?
My preferred rigs are 1940's era ART-13's and BC 610's. One of the main AM rigs at t K7YOO qth is a T350XM Techrad.

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« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2016, 09:44:27 AM »

Hi Skip.... I listened a bit last night but the 20+ cratic stashes scrambled my brain. Storms coming the next few days may make it tough.

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #11 on: May 26, 2016, 03:18:02 PM »

Henk: what are the popular vintage AM rigs on your side of the pond?
My preferred rigs are 1940's era ART-13's and BC 610's. One of the main AM rigs at t K7YOO qth is a T350XM Techrad.


Hello Skip,
Some AM Lovers in Holland using: BC 610, BC 191, Geloso, GRC 9 or ART 13.
In the past I did have a BC 610 H and BC 191, now I use a home made transmitter or Allbander.
But not many AM stations are transmitting on 40 mtrs!
Yes some have tried in the (late) afternoon on 7140/7160 to talk with AM stations in France.
But Skip, you must know during daytime many stations in ssb are on 40 mtrs!
Mostly we could not hear an AM station on 7140/7160 khz.
I did make last Sunday a little recording from F6AQK on 7159 khz in AM.
When you listen, you do understand how difficult it is to receive any AM station on 40 mtrs.

Hi, hi... I think I am the only AM station on 40 meters....
Who still trying to make a qso in am (around 7160 khz).

But in the early morning, by you late evening, 40 mtrs is not to busy.
Only some SSB DX Stations in Europe are trying to make a qso with the USA....
Hi, hi... but I guess most AM stations in Europe are sleeping on that time!!

The most AM stations in Holland are using the 80 or 60 meter band.
80 mtrs: 3600, 3660 or 3705 khz
80 mtrs: +/- 5422


Henk, pe1mph
Dokkum, the Netherlands

* 7159 khz.mp3 (247.5 KB - downloaded 484 times.)
Patrick J. / KD5OEI
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« Reply #12 on: June 02, 2016, 02:03:15 AM »

Last Sunday the band was so poor here that the usually strong stations could barely be read.

Radio Candelstein

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #13 on: June 02, 2016, 12:38:06 PM »

Last Sunday the band was so poor here that the usually strong stations could barely be read.

Till now I have not heard any AM station from the usa on 7160 khz.
And we are now getting Summertime (conditions!).
But I keep on monitoring...


Henk, pe1mph

Dokkum, The Netherlands
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