The last thing we want to do is try to manipulate or selectively remove the knowledge posted by so many over the years. That's how stuff gets lost. I used to think dragging back an old thread was the result of a timid poster. Maybe sometimes it is. More often it's more a case of folks spending too much time online instead of on the air, honestly. It takes much longer just to search the archives than to start a new thread. It's not a matter of whether it 'hurts' anything to do it, it's just a back-asswards way to make a new post IMO.
I also found Eric's info very interesting and well worth having here. I just think the best way to post it is not to hunt around for some old D-104 thread to tack it onto, but rather to simply start a new thread. As Pete said, if it somehow relates to a previous thread (really though - doesn't
everything we discuss?), it's simple enough to reference the original thread(if you really feel the need to go did up a dead one) or start off by saying "Someone previously mentioned a Japanese clone of the D-104. I came across one [or photos of one], thought you might find it interesting".
It would be nice if we could auto-lock them after a period of time, but the software doesn't appear to allow for that. Thankfully, very, very few members do it.
8 years, though....I think you're now the record holder, Eric. Congrats. Not the most ridiculous, though. That would go to the guy who pulled back a 4-5 yr old thread about a group of us meeting on 7.160 after the foreign broadcasters had vacated. His reason for pulling this thread back? To say "I've been hearing more AM on the bands lately". You cannot make this stuff up! [queue music Styx: Too Much Time on My Hands]
Fear not, though - Eric will be appropriately pummeled for this transgression, at the 'PJP BBQ before NEAR-Fest next month. We'll make him drink Budweiser. Oh, wait - he already does!