We'll be looking for you Sun nite. I am happy for your response.
The D104 made all the difference in your modulation and hear ability. Thanks for persevering for the last year and I look forward to a productive 2015.
To any others reading this thread:...(this is off track for this thread but...)
Please join us on 50.4 AM Sun nite at 6:30 or persist on the calling freqs for 6 M 50.110 and 2M 144.210. I'll be listening to both all day long Starting January 5th, 2015 at 10 am.
If you want to call on other frequencies, please email me at
WA4BWO@gmail.com or
Back on topic,
I am working on the SENECA VHF today and am finding dirt (age) is the culprit. DEOxit is working but it takes numerous passes and sprays to accomplish a thorough cleaning. Patience is a virtue with this Boatachor.
I find talking to the equipment while you're cleaning and polishing it and telling it that it's worthy and the abuse that it's suffered in the past will NEVER happen again works too.
Hey, I'll try anything at this point.....