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Author Topic: WB9GKZ worked late afternoon: pe1mph  (Read 4129 times)
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pe1mph AM from Holland

« on: March 22, 2014, 01:35:49 PM »

Hello AM Lovers,
Sorry I am still a bite impressed...
Around 18.05 hours by me I heard a station testing on 29035 khz in AM.
He were testing his audio.... I did say: Hello and my call.
First he didn't returned.... but a bit later he came back!!!

So I worked just on 29035 khz in AM: WB9GKZ, Pat(rick).
Nearly we both did fall from our studio chair... hi, hi...
Because I were using only 8 Watts from the old FT 901 DM.
And again my 25 mtrs wire hanging (horizontale) to a tree.
Incredibly to work so late an AM station from the USA on Ten!
Pat got by me S2 to S9, but with a heavy fading on his signal.

Now, 18.25 hours by me, I can still hear Pat talking on 29035 khz.
But his signal is now down (zero) 0 to S3.

Pat, thanks for the fine (short!) qso on Ten, Smiley

Henk, PE1MPH
Dokkum, The Netherlands

* WB9GKZ 29035 AM 22 mrt 2014.mp3 (1377.88 KB - downloaded 472 times.)
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