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Author Topic: B&W 5100B soon to modulate...again  (Read 7145 times)
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« on: March 20, 2014, 08:23:22 PM »

 Just got my B&W 5100B iron back from Transformer Rewind Service. Gary is one of the good guys. He does excellent work and keeps you updated.
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« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2014, 07:14:22 AM »

Just got my B&W 5100B iron back from Transformer Rewind Service. Gary is one of the good guys. He does excellent work and keeps you updated.

Good deal!  Yes, Gary has a very good reputation and when I need iron rewound it will go to him. 

The 5100B is a very good transmitter.  I have both the 5100 and 5100B and one came from Jack Williamson himself who was a good friend.  When Jack got up in years and I worked someone with a 5100 I would tape the conversation and play it to him when I saw him at our Radio Meeting.   Saying that, he was most proud of the follow-on transmitter the 6100 which unfortunately had a short life. 

Looking forward to working you on the air with your 5100B.

Joe, W3GMS 

Simplicity is the Elegance of Design---W3GMS

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« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2014, 07:53:42 AM »

Good news Pete.   I’m always glad to see another 5100B on the air.   I had one as a JN way back when and got my current one around 1998 or so and have been using it ever since.  It’s been a great radio and solid performer.

Joe, I also have a 5100.  I pulled the modulator out for a rebuild a few years ago then got side tracked and it’s still on the shelf.  I think I stopped as I couldn’t find Moe’s audio mods, and when I did I already had another project under way.  I had it running on CW for a few months less the modulator and it worked fine; I need to get the modulator rebuilt one of these days.   That was before I instituted my “only work on one radio at a time policy” – it keeps projects from getting sidetracked  Wink.

Gary did a rewind of a DX-100B modulator for me years ago and he did a good job. 

Pete, I notice you have the 51SB-B with your unit.  I have one and used it a few times.  It’s not like pushing the LSB/USB button on a modern radio, is it!!

73 Mark K3MSB
York, PA

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« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2014, 06:05:44 AM »

Good news Pete.   I’m always glad to see another 5100B on the air.   I had one as a JN way back when and got my current one around 1998 or so and have been using it ever since.  It’s been a great radio and solid performer.

Joe, I also have a 5100.  I pulled the modulator out for a rebuild a few years ago then got side tracked and it’s still on the shelf.  I think I stopped as I couldn’t find Moe’s audio mods, and when I did I already had another project under way.  I had it running on CW for a few months less the modulator and it worked fine; I need to get the modulator rebuilt one of these days.   That was before I instituted my “only work on one radio at a time policy” – it keeps projects from getting sidetracked  Wink.

Gary did a rewind of a DX-100B modulator for me years ago and he did a good job. 

Pete, I notice you have the 51SB-B with your unit.  I have one and used it a few times.  It’s not like pushing the LSB/USB button on a modern radio, is it!!

 Thanks for the encouragemant. Yes Gary did a great job on my iron. I like a radio I can see when I operate (and put my feet on). I had it up and running this weekend on 10 meters AM and was working Europe as late as 2100 UTC. Last night the band was open late on 10, I gave SSB a try and got Japan in the log.  Yes sir, going to SSB is a bit more than fliping the mode switch. But what a fun rig to use with good audio reports on AM and SSB.
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« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2014, 12:40:39 PM »

Fantastic news and have fun with it!  Great that its up and running so well.

Joe, W3GMS

Simplicity is the Elegance of Design---W3GMS
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