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Author Topic: Unusual 4-Way Roundtable on 15 Meters  (Read 3999 times)
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Apache Labs SDR

« on: February 18, 2014, 02:13:38 PM »

I don't think I've ever been in a 4-way roundtable with AM on 15 meters where all the stations could hear each other. Conditions were exceptional this morning and Glenn - G8NOF, Jaakko - OH1TX, George - W2GS and I chatted for about 20 minutes with each of us able to copy everyone else. The mp3 file is edited and spliced with some of Glenn, Jaakko, and George in the recording. The screenshots show Jaako and George in the panadapter. The equipment for each station is listed below:

Glenn - Flex 5000A using Breakaway Broadcast software audio processing
Jaakko - Yaesu FT-5000
George - ANAN 100D SDR

In spite of a few deep fades the average signal strength was quite good all around and in fact each station's signal strength reached S-9+ at times. Not a word was missed on this end during the entire session. Glenn and Jaakko were hearing each other via backscatter but could hear each other very well.



* G8NOF-OH1TX-W2GS 21.430000MHz 2-18-2014.mp3 (3370.61 KB - downloaded 517 times.)

* jaakko oh1tx.jpg (131.38 KB, 1103x737 - viewed 1114 times.)

* george w2gs.jpg (131.36 KB, 1103x737 - viewed 1094 times.)

One thing I'm certain of is that there is too much certainty in the world.
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