The 838 with a plate cap on it becomes an 805. Same tube with a loftier plate voltage ratings (1250 versus 1500).
I wonder how the 808 compares to those two sets of curves you plotted? The 808 is a medium mu triode as well. Some of the Single Ended audio guys run them in class A where they need positive grid bias to set the DC operating point. This is at a plate voltage of around 800 volts. All this for 10-15 watts of audio from 30-40 watts static plate dissipation.
The guy at tubelab designed "Power Drive" for driving big triodes. Here he uses a special triode as a driver, such as a 417A or even a 45, and uses a solid state CCS on the driver plate, and then couple the driver through a power mosfet source follower to the next stage big bottle triode. Look around that website...he uses it to drive an 833 with positive grid bias to set the operating point. the 838 is a special tube.