Thanks for that recording Rick. Based upon what I heard in the mp3 I think you were in the best spot for hearing everyone who stopped by the frequency.
Steve, it was great to finally run into you on the air. Brian's 32V2 was doing a great job up here in the northeast. It sounds like you guys have a big-time project going on there with the broadcast transmitter. Don't fall off that ladder working on the high shelves of that massive mountain of iron!
Dave, I think Rick's mp3 is the first time I've heard your station. I always hear the other guy going back and forth with you but other than some faint backscatter effects I never hear the big WB1EAD installation. Sounds great! Harry - W0LS was working on setting his Flex 5000 up for remote operation. This morning he was operating across his LAN but eventually he will have the option to connect from the WAN side whenever he is traveling. I agree with you about the quality, it was clean and clear. He's using a Logitech H800 wireless headset to connect to the computer in his shed, which is then connected through his LAN to the computer that runs his Flex. Pretty amazing stuff. I did manage to capture his signal in a video which I added to my collection up on YouTube. He was really silencing the frequency in spite of traffic close by above and below us. W1AEX