Hello AM Lovers,Yes again good conditions on 10 meters!
Big signals these afternoon, special one on 29060.
He were a 'very long' talker, sorry I didn't have his name/call.
Later I had (again) a nice talk in AM with:
K1IEDOn 29030 has slow fading and max. S9+
Time were +/- 16.40 by me, thats +/- 16.40 UTC time.
After our qso I hear on 29055 khz an AM station calling cq.
K1ETP heard me and he has a good signal, max. S9 +10
Evenso with slow fading, later I didn't hear him anymore.
Maybe he had some splattering from the strong am station on 29060?
Again I used only
8 Watts of power, when I speek it goes up to 10 W.
Comming from the Yeasu FT 901 DM and one leg of my dipole ant.
The other leg is broken, so I use the earth and 1 leg....
Both stations thanks for the nice qso,
Henk, PE1MPH
Dokkum, The Netherlands