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Author Topic: 7290 Saturday Night Bash  (Read 9035 times)
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« on: July 28, 2013, 09:33:32 AM »

  I decided to get on 7290 last night at about 9 PM CST.

After a couple of CQ's, I got a call from W6TSJ in southern Ca. After a nice QSO with Tom, another CQ, and WB6QKO comes back. While in QSO with Larry, here comes Ron W8ACR from North Dakota.  Then comes Dan N8IE from Ohio, and then KA3YAZ in New Mexico with a dual 6146 DX-60..

I signed out and Ron was still going strong with that HB Taylor 822 rig...Ron was the "Tall Ship" for sure.

The static was pretty bad, but even so, the signals were strong enough to have a nice series of QSO's, and a round table.


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« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2013, 03:57:26 PM »

Hey Jim,

Good to finally talk to you on the air. Yeah, that was fun. Roundtable QSO - Tex - Calif - ND - Ohio on 40 meters. Conditions not perfect, but good enuf.


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« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2013, 09:39:40 AM »

It was a great night here in SW Ohio, nice to hear California stations and W8ACR was about 40 over!

I was running my Knight T-150 into an Ameritron amp, the antenna is a 135' inverted vee, and the RX an SX-122. Good times!

Dan, N8IE

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« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2013, 12:52:43 PM »

Dan, it was good to talk to you on 40 meters yesterday.  I am the guy who was running only 50 watts with the Yaesu rig.

I wanted to follow up on a question I had with your T-150 because the band changed or something and I never heard your answer.  The T-150 uses a pair of 6146s in the final for 150 watts input (supposedly).   I don't think using it to drive an 811 amp to 100 watts carrier output gets you much--I wondered if you had simply tried running the T-150 alone right into the antenna?   It should probably get around 80 watts output.



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« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2013, 01:10:04 PM »

Dan, it was good to talk to you on 40 meters yesterday.  I am the guy who was running only 50 watts with the Yaesu rig.

I wanted to follow up on a question I had with your T-150 because the band changed or something and I never heard your answer.  The T-150 uses a pair of 6146s in the final for 150 watts input (supposedly).   I don't think using it to drive an 811 amp to 100 watts carrier output gets you much--I wondered if you had simply tried running the T-150 alone right into the antenna?   It should probably get around 80 watts output.



Hi Rob, nice to work you also. Sorry I had a wire break on my relay and that's why I could not return to you.

The Knight T-150 runs around 12 watts in AM mode and modulates to near 60 watts. So this drives the 3 811's at 100 watt carrier and modulates to around 500 watts. 60 watts is fine, but I like that extra punch. Wink

73 de N8IE

For just $1 a month you can save a Ham from SSB.
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Dan, N8IE
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