Opened up the KW Mbox after an arc of RF shot up through it Saturday...
(350 watts from the BC-610 will do that)
ANYWAY, the problem found:
The lead in from one of the antenna terminals on the back of the Mbox
goes to the rotor of a cap. Well, it used to...It was no longer connected to the
cap but a pool of solder was in the bottom of the cabinet. Lightning had come in , a
small corona was cleaned from the cap, and the lead re-soldered!
There WERE some hints this was the problem. I had attempted to use my
160m 1/2 wave dipole as a 1/2 wave end fed on would resonate when
connected to one of the ant terminals, but not the other...since it was not connected to anything!
ALL IS WELL, no cover, and soon to just be mounted on the wall.
Anyone want a KW Matchbox cabinet? I'll bring it to Dayton