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Author Topic: Nice condx tonight  (Read 43957 times)
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« on: January 28, 2012, 11:23:16 PM »

Band pretty quiet on 1885; S6 noise level.  Lots of CW down the band.  WA0RCR pegging the S meter on 1860.  Called CQ and worked K1OIK at 0300Z Not quite readable enough to have a QSO but not surprising either it being pretty early in the evening for that long haul, then worked Frank K0JM in S.D. from 03:15 to 03:30Z, Frank pretty good copy 20 dB over S9 at times. 

Condx on the low and high bands have improved so much of late it's sort of like going to the doc and getting ear wax flushed out--all of a sudden everything is coming in a lot better.

"Not taking crap or giving it is a pretty good lifestyle."--Frank
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« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2012, 02:07:01 PM »

I got on much later, well past 0400Z, but by then the 160m sidewalks had been rolled up, except for the CW QuaRMtesters. Called CQ on 1885 numerous times, and finally Jim, W5JO returned the call with a nice signal, but then he had an apparent antenna crap-out and went silent. Condx would have been good if I had been able to find anyone to talk to. And it was a QRN-free weekend night to boot.

Don, K4KYV                                       AMI#5
Licensed since 1959 and not happy to be back on AM...    Never got off AM in the first place.

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Jim, W5JO

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« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2012, 02:20:59 PM »

It has been many years since I have seen atmospherics like we are having now.  Last night Don your signal was the normal 20+ over but the noise on the band was about S4 here.  It would have been nice to chat for a while but I developed a short in a coax jumper at the antenna.

Maybe tonight or soon.  Will be listening for you Rob, you always have a good signal down here.
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« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2012, 08:39:51 PM »

I didn't do any operating today but I left everything set up for 160.  I was pulling parts off junked surplus pc cards I bought for $2 each.  I now have the parts needed to make a K4KYV T/R sequencer  Grin  I have to go out in a few minutes and when I get back I'll have to hit the hay but maybe tomorrow night.  Thanks for the sig. report Jim and I will look for you on 1880 or 1885.

Yes I have noticed that even on Friday and Sat. night things are decidedly bucolic on 160--I guess in my case last night I had been up all day since around 5 a.m. so I suffered the Nicad effect. 

Don I was hoping to talk to you about the picture you went to see--I never go to any movies but I don't mind talking about or hearing about new ones and I expect whatever you went to see was okay because you probably have pretty good taste in films.


"Not taking crap or giving it is a pretty good lifestyle."--Frank
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« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2012, 07:35:45 AM »

Had a pretty good QSO with Bill KD0HG last night around 7:30 to 8:10 p.m. central time on 1885.  Bill running his 304TL rig was 10 dB over 9, said I was Q5 (but Bill has a 700' beverage to his northeast).  I was surprised a 1000 mile QSO was possible that early in the evening.

"Not taking crap or giving it is a pretty good lifestyle."--Frank
Bill, KD0HG

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« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2012, 10:18:50 AM »

I was hearing you Q5 on the transmitting antenna, too, but the Beverage makes things even better.. Yes, I am noticing that 160 and 80 can be very good for long haul to the east even before sunset here. During the work week, I am rarely on the air after 10 PM Central, so have missed nite-owl Don all season.

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« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2012, 04:54:45 PM »

Hi bill,

yes I have been doing 10 11 hr days this week & no operating



"Not taking crap or giving it is a pretty good lifestyle."--Frank
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