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Author Topic: 20 Meter evenings above 14.330  (Read 17382 times)
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« on: April 04, 2011, 09:19:08 PM »

I have been calling AM CQ above 14.330 several evenings a week around 00:00 UTC. Now I am starting to work N1VIV a night or two a week around that time for a nice hour long QSO. There really isn't much SSB activity at the edge of 20 in the evening, and I would like to raise an AM flag and claim that open terriorty if possible. With Cycle 24 finally starting to produce condx where 20 is staying open later in the evening, we can chat up there without much if any SSB QRM (unlike 14.286). I hope to hear some of you up there, as it really is nice and quiet up there around that time!!
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« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2011, 02:57:38 AM »

I'm game Kimosabi!

« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2011, 09:11:19 PM »

Worked this evening on 14.330 AM between 23:25 and 00:45 UTC.


I only had one instance of SSB QRM which moved away. Come join the fun some evening!!!
AC0OB - A Place where Thermionic Emitters Rule!
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« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2011, 02:58:50 PM »

Brad, you had an excellent signal last night on 14.324. It was great speaking with you last night after you signed with K1KW (Charles) and N1HCE (Pete). A bit of SSB QRM came and went finally.

The QSB finally got to us after dark.

It is always amazing to me that with the freq. spread up there that once some AM'ers get going in a great QSO, someone has to get close to the frequency and QRM. Luckily, we all ignored the QRM and he finally went away.

Phil - AC0OB

Charlie Eppes: Dad would be so happy if we married a doctor.
Don Eppes: Yeah, well, Dad would be happy if I married someone with a pulse.NUMB3RS   Smiley
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2011, 03:45:06 PM »

Hi folks,
I'll be looking for you. Keep an ear open towards the UK. Won't be on tonight though.
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2011, 05:14:03 PM »

Brad, you had an excellent signal last night on 14.324. It was great speaking with you last night after you signed with K1KW (Charles) and N1HCE (Pete). A bit of SSB QRM came and went finally.

The QSB finally got to us after dark.

It is always amazing to me that with the freq. spread up there that once some AM'ers get going in a great QSO, someone has to get close to the frequency and QRM. Luckily, we all ignored the QRM and he finally went away.

Phil - AC0OB

Nice working you up there Phil as well as others. I agree in that often I will have the area between 14.330 and 14.345 all to myself and then with plenty of SSB space available someone decides to starting talking in my bandpass. It gets very frustrating, but then when strong signals prevail they get the hint that I was there first and I'm not going anywhere.  Smiley

Hi folks,
I'll be looking for you. Keep an ear open towards the UK. Won't be on tonight though.

I'll keep and ear out for you John, but I haven't heard too many signals from your side of the pond around 00:00 UTC on 20 Meters. I'll keep listening though!
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