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Author Topic: CQ Robot Up Grade  (Read 1612 times)
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« on: March 27, 2010, 01:21:26 AM »

It gets mighty lonesome out there on AM sometimes so for me, a CQ robot is a must.  I have been using a Sony Voice recorder and a tedious 90 second CQ to give me a chance to get something done between calls.  I  have to manually key and unkey the transmitter with  this approach.

Looking at my RTTY interface and computer, I just knew there had to be some simple way to combine the two and finally came up with a nifty little program that does exactly what I want.

Voice Key Express ($10) will key the transmitter, start a wave file, loop it n times if desired and then unkey and wait out a programmed delay (5 seconds works well for me) so I can listen for responses and then start all over again.

It uses a Com port to drive a relay which keys my transmitter and all the other housekeeping relays.

It is so simple to use that I set it up completely without even looking at the help file or user manual.  It even includes a recorder but I haven't tried using it.  I have other ways to do that.

Last night it ran for 45 minutes on 1880 before finally raising a QSO  and I never had to leave the bench.

Tonight I retooled the 810 for 20 meters  and will give the Robot a workout over the weekend.  However, much to my disgust, there seems to be another one of those bloody contests going on.

Here is the link to the program...

Jack K0ACT

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