I'm building a 160m grounded-grid amp around the GI-7B tube
(it worked so well in my SB-230 retrofit project:
http://www.wd8das.net/SB230.html )
Anyone know of a source for a filament choke appropriate for this tube? The filament draws only 2 amps, so the 30-amp ones I see available online are really overkill (and awfully large). But for 160m I'm thinking that a somewhat higher inductance than might normally be used for 80-10m amps might be in order. Say >50 uH?. Bifilar-wound would be best, but two separate chokes would probably work too.
Should I not find a ready-made source, then I guess I could make one if I find some ferrite rod suitable for use at 1.9 MHz.
Steve WD8DAS