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Author Topic: GE BT-20-A Oscillator  (Read 6205 times)
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Rick K5IAR
« on: September 24, 2007, 03:57:48 PM »

Steve and all other BC Transmitter Gurus!  I have the BC-20-A ready to convert, but the 1885 kc rock will not oscillate in the circuit the way it is set up.  I checked the crystal in my signal generator and it works perfectly, right on frequency (naturally, I got from Bry!) but it won't do a thing in the oscillator circuit.  The oscillator and transmitter works great on it's native frequency of 1450 kc.  The oscillator coil (L2) is set to the highest tap.  Do I need to add/subtract some capacitance?  When I apply power and try to dip the oscillator I get zero change in oscillator current.  Any ideas?

Rick K5IAR
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2007, 05:47:29 PM »

Hi Mack,

Thanks for the input.  The coil has three sections and two are shorted out leaving very few coil windings as you said.  I should have been more descriptive.  It doesn't appear to be oscillating at all on 1885, but it works perfectly on 1450, the original frequency.  I even tried feeding it with a signal generator and still got no oscillation even on 1450.  I guess the characteristics of the crystal are a lot more important than I suspected.

Rick K5IAR
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2007, 09:41:20 PM »

Well, I didn't look at the circuit good enough.  It's actually a Colpitts oscillator and the coil I have been referring to is the plate coil, not the oscillator coil and is used in conjunction  with a variable capacitor to peak the output of the oscillator, not assist with oscillation.  So, if anything needs adjusting it would be the split tank capacitors in the control grid circuitry.  I have since discovered that a different crystal, one that I use with the BC-610's, oscillates just fine and it is at 1985 kc, so the 1885 kc should have no problem.  The 1885 crystal works great, just not in the GE!  Go figure...

N3DRB The Derb
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2007, 01:02:31 AM »

WB3HUZ owned one, we swapped it back and forth a couple of times. he might be able to tell you something on the osc. He put a lot more work into it than I did. he might have a manual too.
Steve - WB3HUZ
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2007, 09:23:55 AM »

The crystal in the BT-20 was avacuum sealed with an octal socket, about the size of the 6V6. I don't know the type of crystal used (type of cut) and the capacitance of the holder, but those might be causing you problems. I never used the crystal on mine. Just ran a VFO straight to the grid of the oscillator tube.
Rick K5IAR
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2007, 10:31:11 AM »

Thanks guys...

It's the weirdest thing.  I have one of the original crystals like Steve described and the transmitter works great with it on 1450 kc.  I also have a couple of rocks I took out of the RCA box. I took them out of the ovens and plugged into the GE and they worked great too!  They were on 1400 kc.  Then I got the bright idea to jury rig a FT-171-B crystal from the BC-610 and it worked (not quite as well) on 1975 kc.  I know it sounds like the 1885 kc crystal is no good, but when I put it in my old RCA signal general it works great.  This is a real puzzler to me.  I tried feeding it directly from the signal generator, but the cable was too long and I got nothing.  I can switch the original crystal to either of the two sockets in the GE and it works fine.  I think the original crystal in it's vacuum can and likely special cut does make a big difference like Steve said.  I have a VFO in the shed I'll try next.

Thanks again for all the input and help.  If you guys think of anything else, please, let me know.

Steve - WB3HUZ
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2007, 12:28:49 PM »

If you are set on using a crystal, consider opening one of the GE crystal units and grinding the crystal up to 1885.
Rick K5IAR
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2007, 12:43:14 PM »

Thanks Mack.. this one is sure kicking my butt right now!

Steve, thanks for the idea, but my grinding skills are non existent.  I've tried a few, but never been very successful.  I'm cobbling together a small power supply to use with my Viking VFO, I think I'll be less likely to mess things up!  Grin

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