That is only part of the puzzle. I replied to Tom's post about trucks and it never appeared. Today I replied to his Veggie post, reminding him that women do not trust guys with big tires and testicles, but neither post is there.
Don't understand, but thanks.
Sometimes in an active thread you will see the warning in red that someone has posted a new msg while you were typing after you attempt to post. You need to hit the post button again, or your new post will not make it through. I've lost several posts like that myself until Gary told me.
Since these were active threads, maybe this happened, dunno. Personally, I don't care what someone has to say while I was typing and won't change what I said anyway.... [GRIN] (I would like to see that feature toggled off, if possible)
BTW, women go CRAZY over guys with 2-letter calls, so you and I should hit the clubs and do some CQing sometime...