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Author Topic: The Reason Why - By Hiram Percy Maxim, President, A.R.R.L.  (Read 16490 times)
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« on: March 05, 2006, 11:05:03 AM »

Ask yourself if this sounds like the ARRL today?


The Reason Why
By Hiram Percy Maxim, President, A.R.R.L.
(Reprinted from QST for September, 1927)

SITTING back in the old armchair, with the last issue of QST read from cover to cover and with everybody else in the house asleep hours ago, I fell to thinking of amateur radio to-day and amateur radio of other days. As the blue smoke curls slowly upward from the old pipe, visions of early A.R.R.L. Directors' Meetings float before me. I see those old-timers grappling with problems of organization, with QRM, with trunk-line traffic and rival amateur leagues. I see sinister commercial and government interests at work seeking to exterminate amateur radio. They were dark days, those early ones.

To-day I see Amateur Radio an institution, recognized by our American government and on the road to recognitions by the other governments of the world. I see a fine, loyal A.R.R.L. membership of 20,000 standing shoulder to shoulder and believing in each other and still blazing the way in radio brotherhood taking shape, in the form of our I.A.R.U.
And as the last embers of the old pipe turn to grey ash, I ask how it all came about: that the A.R.R.L. shold have succeeded and all its opponents failed. The answer is clear. It is because with our opponents there was always some kind of a selfish motive to be served for someone, whereas in our A.R.R.L. we insisted from the beginning that no selfish motive for anybody or anything should ever prevail. Everything that A.R.R.L. undertakes must be 100% for the general good. That policy bred loyalty and confidence. With those two things an organization can prosper forever.


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« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2006, 01:11:29 PM »

Bruce posted:
....Everything that A.R.R.L. undertakes must be 100% for the general good. That policy bred loyalty and confidence. With those two things an organization can prosper forever....

And that is exactly why the ARRgghhL is going down the sewer! Because it became ignorant of the principles under which it was founded!

Invisible airwaves crackle with life, bright antenna bristle with the energy. Emotional feedback, on timeless wavelength, bearing a gift beyond lights, almost free.... Spirit of Radio/Rush

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« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2006, 01:24:45 PM »


Handsome looking fellow Hiram was. With a little imagination and a haircut I could swear it's Tom's (k1jj) grandfather!

A closed mouth gathers no foot
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2006, 01:32:41 PM »

Which brings me around to wondering why the AM board provides tacit endorsement of the ARRL by providing a specific forum for news about it.
Gary can put whatever he wants on the board (and I am most grateful for it), however, if the ARRL is viewed as detrimental to rather than promoting amateur radio . . . . . . . why would we promote the ARRL??

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« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2006, 03:08:37 PM »

 Grin Grin Grin

Yep, he has that, "Remember the  Maine/Alamo"  look to him, Dave.

About 20 years ago I sat down in a doctor's office and there on the table was a collection of antique magazines. The first one I picked up was from the early 1900's. On the cover was a picture of Maxim senior standing behind his young son, Hiram. Hiram was firing a big machine gun at a target. The caption went something to the effect that the new Maxim machine gun was so easy to fire accurately, that even a child could do it.... Shocked   I couldn't believe that I had picked up that particular copy.

It was a pre-promotion for the future famous Maxim machine gun used extensvely in WWI. 



Handsome looking fellow Hiram was. With a little imagination and a haircut I could swear it's Tom's (k1jj) grandfather!

Use an "AM Courtesy Filter" to limit transmit audio bandwidth  +-4.5 KHz, +-6.0 KHz or +-8.0 KHz when needed.  Easily done in DSP.

Wise Words : "I'm as old as I've ever been... and I'm as young as I'll ever be."

There's nothing like an old dog.
« Reply #5 on: March 05, 2006, 04:04:20 PM »

Which brings me around to wondering why the AM board provides tacit endorsement of the ARRL by providing a specific forum for news about it.
Gary can put whatever he wants on the board (and I am most grateful for it), however, if the ARRL is viewed as detrimental to rather than promoting amateur radio . . . . . . . why would we promote the ARRL??


Art, I can't speak for Gary, only for myself.
Why do I keep my ARRL membership, and why should this board have an ARRL forum?
Good questions, both.

As for myself, it’s much easier to influence on a group or organization if one works from the inside.
If I fail to renew my membership, resign my VE and OO appointments, then I have no right to offer suggestions to a group to which I do not belong.

I do not that the entire ARRL is bad, nor do I believe that the top leadership has evil intent.
I believe that they have, as so often happens in business and politics, lost sight of that which is important to membership.
One, or two or three of the group, vocal as they may be, have put forth their own agenda, their own interests, thinking that what is good for one should be good for all.

Things which I would like to see our League return to:

1) A role in public service, in fact this should be a requirement of obtaining a ham ticket. We need to justify the exclusive use of these valuable bands some how, and public service has been the key in the past, and will remain so in the future. This would include meaningful, organized nets and local activities.

2) A very public and high profile recruitment campaign, staring with high schools and leading into traditional media. I don't doubt that Icom, Yaesu and Kenwood could cough up a HF station for high schools throughout the country, its just cheap marketing to future hams. And no, 2meter CB will not cut it in these days with worldwide internet IMs.

3) A respect and acknowledgement of ALL modes, AM, SSB, CW and digital. A solid statement of support for existing and heritage modes, and renewal of support for learning and use of CW. No one mode is to be favored over another, nor is spectrum to be taken from one emission type and given to another. An established band plan, with proper and rationally sufficient space should be given to each mode. Digital, since it is a mode which requires a computer to use, whereas the other modes simply require the computer we all have between our ears, should be allocated a specific spectrum so it does not intrude on non-digital modes.

Can the League change? That I do not know.
What I do know is that if the League continues on the same plan as the last 10 years, both its relevance and the relevance of the amateur service will continue to decline.
I see some bright signs, let us hope that these shall not be snuffed out before they bear fruit.

73 Bruce W1UJR
« Reply #6 on: March 05, 2006, 04:36:27 PM »

Hi Bruce,
In majority, we agree. I sense the changes you suggest are critical to turn the ARRL around. I also sense the need for articulation by the amateur community that all is not well in order to effect the beginning of  those changes. We have tried to change from within and encountered limited or no response, certainly no success.. The time for a coordinated vote of no confidence and revolution is at hand. . . . now where's my Che Guevara teeshirt . . .
Johnny Novice

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« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2006, 07:10:40 PM »

Which brings me around to wondering why the AM board provides tacit endorsement of the ARRL by providing a specific forum for news about it.
Gary can put whatever he wants on the board (and I am most grateful for it), however, if the ARRL is viewed as detrimental to rather than promoting amateur radio . . . . . . . why would we promote the ARRL??


Art, discussions on any internet forum do not necessarily consitute an endorsement of same byt the board's owner, and I believe that is the case here.  Gary has diplomatically stayed out of the P&Ming in the ARRL forum, but I for one think the ARRL forum on is a valuable area to discuss the ARRL - love it or hate it - without bogging down the rest of the board.

I might add that although I am not pro-ARRL, until something better comes along this is what we have to represent our hobby, and they certainly are NOT the devil incarnate as some would have us believe.  Indeed, the flame wars on this subject are getting a bit tiresome.  Everyone has said their piece on whether they like/hate the ARRL - and just 'cause you spoke your mind here doesn't mean that's gonna change things.

Or so it seems to me.

73 John

FCC:  "The record is devoid of a demonstrated nexus between Morse code proficiency and on-the-air conduct."
« Reply #8 on: March 05, 2006, 07:43:23 PM »

Everyone has said their piece on whether they like/hate the ARRL - and just 'cause you spoke your mind here doesn't mean that's gonna change things.

Or so it seems to me.

73 John

Right on point as always John.

Its going to take a bit more than just words for the League to hear us.
When I think of the number of folks this board represents, smart, literate folks, we could have much more clout if we were to start peppering League officals with letters, emails and requests.
Its the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, and although I suspect that a number of League officals know that the AM/Vintage radio community is less than pleased, they have not heard directly from each of us.

If we could all take 15 minutes, dash off a letter to League or board member, tell them what you feel, why or why not you belong to the League, I'd like to think that maybe, just maybe, someone might listen.

Steve - WB3HUZ
« Reply #9 on: March 05, 2006, 09:13:00 PM »

If we could all take 15 minutes, dash off a letter to League or board member, tell them what you feel, why or why not you belong to the League, I'd like to think that maybe, just maybe, someone might listen.

Nah. That would take too much effort. I'd sooner just piss and moan here.

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« Reply #10 on: March 05, 2006, 10:19:05 PM »

Steve said:
Nah. That would take too much effort. I'd sooner just piss and moan here.

It wouldn't do me any good since I'm no longer a member.That organization doesn't listen to its members its sure as hell not going to take any advice from the non-dues paying establishment. So I lament my feelings here. With the hope that maybe one of their reps would be strolling by, see all this negativity and brainstorm an idea that they need to change the way they do business in Newington to the greater good of all hams. But then again, I would suspect pigs will fly first.

Invisible airwaves crackle with life, bright antenna bristle with the energy. Emotional feedback, on timeless wavelength, bearing a gift beyond lights, almost free.... Spirit of Radio/Rush
Steve - WB3HUZ
« Reply #11 on: March 05, 2006, 11:39:33 PM »

Ya don't have to be a member to write them a letter/email. It's more likely to be read than any message here.
« Reply #12 on: March 06, 2006, 08:58:38 AM »

"Art, discussions on any internet forum do not necessarily consitute an endorsement of same byt the board's owner, and I believe that is the case here. "

I agree with your perception of Garys intent. However, the ARRL getting kicked off a few boards as a headliner might make progress toward getting some attention by the ARRL.

"Gary has diplomatically stayed out of the P&Ming in the ARRL forum,"


"but I for one think the ARRL forum on is a valuable area to discuss the ARRL - love it or hate it - without bogging down the rest of the board."

I agree, this is the most significant benefit of having a separate ARRL section.

"I might add that although I am not pro-ARRL, until something better comes along this is what we have to represent our hobby, and they certainly are NOT the devil incarnate as some would have us believe. "

This is the problem John. It is exactly like staying with an abusive spouse. . .  dyisfunction is dysfunction and you have precisely described it in this statement.

"Indeed, the flame wars on this subject are getting a bit tiresome.  Everyone has said their piece on whether they like/hate the ARRL"

Good point, that brings me around to the ARRL representation on this board. Some of the "pro" ARRL positions have been presented in a less than honorable fashion, with comments tangential (at best) to the topic, intentionally obtuse, attacking individuals instead of issues, or obviously misleading when presented with opposition. Add this to the already questionable ARRL actions of late and you get a volatile mixture .

" - and just 'cause you spoke your mind here doesn't mean that's gonna change things."

I don't think that characterizes many commenters on this board. We have representatives who are taking on the ARRL head to head and those who provide guidance for that confrontation. We have activists here not passive sheep ready for ARRL slaughter.

As a >30 year life member of the ARRL I have attempted to work from within and received condescending and dismissive responses or none at all. I have observed the deterioration of the organization to one of parasitism rather than service, I have seen positions taken that I know are not in the best interests of amateur radio.

As a member of the ARRL this behavior does not represent me.

I will do what I can to fix it or tear it down.


« Reply #13 on: March 06, 2006, 10:08:08 AM »

The AM Community has a page on the ARRL website.

Coming up on two years since it was updated.

If there's interest in revising, my own suggestion would be with news of the successful AWA AM QSO party, where Gary WA4IAM might be called upon for a summary.
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« Reply #14 on: March 06, 2006, 10:53:45 AM »

If I fail to renew my membership, resign my VE and OO appointments, then I have no right to offer suggestions to a group to which I do not belong.

Not always true Bruce.

When the organization involved sets itself up as speaking for the Amateur community as a whole, or makes statements to the effect that what it does is for the future of Amateur Radio, then all amateurs have a right to offer input to that organization.

If the ARRL doesn't take stock in suggestions from non-members it risks falling into the mediocrity that presently threatens it.

« Reply #15 on: March 06, 2006, 11:32:46 AM »

If I fail to renew my membership, resign my VE and OO appointments, then I have no right to offer suggestions to a group to which I do not belong.

Not always true Bruce.

When the organization involved sets itself up as speaking for the Amateur community as a whole, or makes statements to the effect that what it does is for the future of Amateur Radio, then all amateurs have a right to offer input to that organization.

If the ARRL doesn't take stock in suggestions from non-members it risks falling into the mediocrity that presently threatens it.

Point well taken Bud, I agree with that in theory, does not always work in practice.
I am a member, VE and OO and still can't get the powers that be to call me.
The Section Manager did place a good faith call...the ball is in my court to return it.

« Reply #16 on: March 06, 2006, 12:41:08 PM »

"I am a member, VE and OO and still can't get the powers that be to call me.
The Section Manager did place a good faith call...the ball is in my court to return it."

First, thank you for your service as a VE and OO. You are a part of the "old" ARRL that served amateur radio and should be recognized for your contributions.

Second, I agree that we will need members on the "inside", even if not in the inner sanctum, to step in when the environment gets too hot for those who generated the more recent "offerings". We must  convey that it is not the organization that is bad, just misguided and degenerative recent behavior.


« Reply #17 on: March 06, 2006, 01:28:25 PM »

Maybe someone is listening out there in Newington!

Look what arrived in my mailbox this afternoon!



Attention Club Leaders!

The ARRL is about to launch “Hello” -our biggest PR campaign ever.  If you are not familiar with this, you can read about it in the April issue of QST or at

As part of this campaign, a website will be directing people interested in learning how to become a ham to clubs that want to welcome them and do some mentoring to help them get started.

If your club wants to be included on this website list and is willing to give both a warm welcome and help brand new people, please check and be SURE that your club listing on the ARRL database is up to date and shows this.  Look specifically at the section:

Club Information-

     Services offered by the club-

          Mentoring   - be sure this is checked.

(If you need assistance with updating your club information, please contact Rose-Anne Lawrence, KB1DMW )

Allen Pitts, W1AGP

Media and Public Relations Manager


-the national association for Amateur Radio-

(860) 594-0328
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« Reply #18 on: March 06, 2006, 03:15:59 PM »

Point well taken Bud, I agree with that in theory, does not always work in practice.

The point here, Bruce, is not found in theory or practice. Our input, or that we offer it,  shouldn't depend on  whether it "works" or not. That (working or not) is soley dependent on their arrogance. As long as the ARRL puts themselves in the guardianship of Amateur Radio  Wink we must continue to let them know what we think and illustrate how far out of the mainstream they are.
Steve - WB3HUZ
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2006, 08:57:52 PM »

The following is clearly stated near top of the page. I'm always open to additions and updates. Bring it on.

This web page was created and is maintained by Steve Ickes, WB3HUZ. You may contact the author directly at about the page or its contents. ARRL extends its thanks to the volunteers that help make ARRL's web pages a useful resource for all.

Quote from: VJB
The AM Community has a page on the ARRL website.

Coming up on two years since it was updated.

If there's interest in revising, my own suggestion would be with news of the successful AWA AM QSO party, where Gary WA4IAM might be called upon for a summary.
« Reply #20 on: April 11, 2006, 05:55:57 PM »


Handsome looking fellow Hiram was. With a little imagination and a haircut I could swear it's Tom's (k1jj) grandfather!

Looks a bit like Jed Clampett
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« Reply #21 on: April 12, 2006, 03:21:01 PM »

ARRL founder was nicknamed "The Old Man"  TOM.  There must be a hidden K1JJ relationship we don't know about.

This thread remainded me of something.  Many years ago I was riding my motorcycle through the town of Lyme, CT and was tooling down a back road when I came across a mailbox with the name H. P. Maxim on it.  I was always curious to know if there was a relationship to the ARRL founder.  I never had the guts to drive up and ask.  With the advent of the Internet and doing a Google search some of the curiosity is gone.  This is what I turned up on Google using keywords: Maxim Old Lyme.  Further info on the net indicates he's town historian for the town of Lyme.

Hiram P. Maxim III
52 Blood Street
Lyme, CT 06371

Grin Grin Grin

Yep, he has that, "Remember the  Maine/Alamo"  look to him, Dave.

About 20 years ago I sat down in a doctor's office and there on the table was a collection of antique magazines. The first one I picked up was from the early 1900's. On the cover was a picture of Maxim senior standing behind his young son, Hiram. Hiram was firing a big machine gun at a target. The caption went something to the effect that the new Maxim machine gun was so easy to fire accurately, that even a child could do it.... Shocked   I couldn't believe that I had picked up that particular copy.

It was a pre-promotion for the future famous Maxim machine gun used extensvely in WWI. 



Handsome looking fellow Hiram was. With a little imagination and a haircut I could swear it's Tom's (k1jj) grandfather!

Home of GORT.

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« Reply #22 on: April 12, 2006, 06:56:12 PM »

Makes me wonder.........looks like he's about to bust saying, "WHO.......TOM VU" Shocked

A closed mouth gathers no foot
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